
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on August 28, 2012 9:57 PM. The previous post in this blog was Mike Bellotti fired again?. The next post in this blog is Genius for Dummies. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Clackistanis fight back with new referendum

We knew something like this was going to happen. The opponents of Clackamas County's paying $20 million toward the Tri-Met Mystery Train to Milwaukie today filed a petition for a referendum on last week's rush-rush resolution by the county commissioners to sell bonds for the project next week. The county's hasty and juvenile move reveals the commissioners' fear that if the September 18 special election goes against the light rail project before the bonds are issued, they may never be sold, and Tri-Met may never get its millions from the unhappy Clackistan taxpayers.

State law clearly provides that the voters have the right to petition for a referendum on bond issuances, and that rule seems applicable here, with a $20 million, 20-year set of full faith and credit obligations about to be sold. It will be interesting indeed to see if the county argues that the voters somehow don't have referendum rights in this case. The issue could go all the way to the state supreme court, and one wonders how in the world banks could be stepping up to buy this paper in a hurry-up deal under these circumstances. (The official statement, or sales document, for the bonds still has not been publicly posted anywhere at this hour, although Moody's rated the bonds more than a week ago.)

Bravo to the Clackistani rebels for keeping up the fight.

Comments (19)

Did the commissioners not know that this would inevitably happen? They must be as myopic as we characterize them to be.

I hope that the bond issuers are seeing all of this, and I hope these lovely people have enough socked away for their upcoming retirement.

That is great news.
I hope that the rebels can make the newest petition "stick" and that they succeed in monkeywrenching both the scheduled bond sale and the Milwaukie line funding payment to TriMet and the Milwaukie line itself.

A half built rusting pile in the Wilamette opposite SoWhat would be the perfect memorila to, and "legacy" for Scamadams.

Yes, Bravo for keeping up the fight.
Why do citizens have to fight our representatives who make decisions against the public interest, our pocketbooks and the health of our community.
It seems across the board, over and over again, it doesn't stop, do these making unwise decisions take workshops on what the agenda must be and how to implement, how to ignore and work over and then do what they can against the citizenry?
It is like a constant battle here and it isn't just one issue.
It is the light rail, the density, the change of codes and our neighborhood character and livability being chipped away, the coal trains, the water, the infrastructure not being maintained, the roads and congestion, URA's and money needed then for schools and public safety, the continued spending and debt, and along with it all the hypocrisy, no great shakes of leadership here, and in my opinion too many of these elected officials just go along with the agenda and are inept or corrupt or more interested in their political career and/or position.

There's got to be corruption under all this, somewhere.

What gets me is how they seem so lock step in all this,
and what a choke-hold, and on the information
and then propaganda and misinformation.
In another thread someone wrote about how policies are detrimental
to our physical, and mental health.
I wrote a response to that thought provoking comment, haven't sent it in yet,
the scene living here has been overwhelming in ways.

"Why do citizens have to fight our representatives who make decisions against the public interest, our pocketbooks and the health of our community."

Maybe because they were voted into office by a majority of folks who agreed with them and their views.

Yes this is hefty punch back.
Tomorrow will be another.
Next week more. Next month, November and next year more yet.

There is no going back to rolling over for this government planner monarchy.

Please spread the word to anyone voting in Clackamas County to make sure they vote YES in the September 18th election.
There is only 1 item on the ballot.
Yes on 3-401 for the right to vote on rail.

A big victory will mean a strong backstop and mandate for the coming change in November.

Ludlow & Tootie for major reform and real progress that will show the rest of the region and state how to escape the insanity of sticking to more stupid.


"Maybe because they were voted into office by a majority of folks who agreed with them and their views."

That is a complete farce and tired play.

None of them revealed ANYTHING about their agenda or intentions.
Theses planning regime politicians never do.

Public deceit is their primary weapon in every move they make.

There'll be more shoes dropping, very soon.

When riding my bike this weekend, past the two new MLR bridge piers being built in the middle of the Willamette, I thought of the $250 Million dollars Sam robbed from the OR Lottery Funds. What should we do with these uncompleted piers? I thought a cascading spouting fountain up to 200 ft like at Geneva Switzerland spewing out their tops would be appropriate. And since these piers were built with Lottery dollars, then maybe a casino on either side of the river should benefit from those dollars. Now that would be economic development that Lottery dollars were intended for.

But better yet, since casinos are controversial, why not build a major aquarium along the waterfront with the remaining Lottery funds, including these fountains, like former Commissioner Mike Lindberg advocated? We could make it Green.

I don't think they even care if the deceit is open for all to see at this point.
In my opinion, we have insiders and followers who support them as long as they somehow benefit from the agenda no matter how deceitful.

From a broad perspective, these commissioners seem to behave as though they are more afraid of displeasing some undisclosed party than they are of displeasing the public that mistakenly put them in office.

There'll be more shoes dropping, very soon.

Do you think they are trying to hold off until after the election?

Often it is the system of the way our elections are "handled" and the media assist to put certain ones as "viable ones" into office. People disgusted either ignore that and/or walk away from elections while those benefiting are very engaged and make sure they vote!

Lee, they sound like great sites for writing "Sammy spent you money on this!"

It's interesting how the Oregonian posted the referendum last night at 8PM, and now it is down and hidden deep in their miraculous website.

Could it be anything to do with their editorial position to build MLR? Controlled news?

Often it is the system of the way our elections are "handled" and the media assist to put certain ones as "viable ones" into office. People disgusted either ignore that and/or walk away from elections while those benefiting are very engaged and make sure they vote!

I hate bumper stickers and the whole idea of using the back of my vehicle as a billboard for my thoughts, but every time election time comes around I often wish I had a bumper sticker that said "Get and vote or else all the wrong people will get to make the decisions".

This is not about halting the project entirely. Although any regional vote would likely do so.

The only sane thing to do now is scale back the project to Tacoma.
Many fatal fiscal flaws and the Clackamas Rebellion would be cured.
Portland's, TriMet's, Metro's, Milwaukie's & Clackamas County 's shares would not be needed.

None of which can justify their allocation.

It's a sick project needing a major change in scope before any more work is done south of Tacoma.

There'll be more shoes dropping, very soon. Any bets if they'll be concrete overshoes?
[note: what follows is a joke:] "Well, Dr. Pamplin is in the concrete business."

There are far too many "sick" projects implemented
or hovering around waiting to be implemented.

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