
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on August 5, 2012 4:17 PM. The previous post in this blog was Government a la carte. The next post in this blog is Now we're talkin'. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Sunday, August 5, 2012

Afternoon with Bruce

Several friends have sent us links to this long profile of Bruce Springsteen. One of the friends, who has ridden along with us through most of our 38 years of Bruce fandom, appraised the article as "well written, with lots of access and good insights, and not a puff piece." We finally got around to reading it today, and we agree. It's an interesting story.

Comments (5)

I wonder what the definitive book is about Bruce Springsteen? I'm taking a literary journey through rock and roll, and he's definitely on the list. By the way, I'm begging anybody to read, "Me, the Mob, and the Music" about Tommy James and the Shondells. That is as shocking a story as I've found in the genre.

I've seen the recent news coverage about Bruce Springsteen suffering from depression - I had no idea - and I assume this profile covers that, but frankly, I got ticked off early in the article when the writer dismisses the Rolling Stones:

"But, unlike the Rolling Stones, say, who have not written a great song since the disco era and come together only to pad their fortunes as their own cover band..."

Music historians agree that the disco era ended in the early 1980s. Then, I refer you to the Rolling Stones song, "Mixed Emotions" from 1989. It went #5 in the States and was performed on the Steel Wheels tour. I think it is a great Stones song, from the clever play on words in the title, to capturing the incredible friction between Mick and Keith at the time. I love the lyrics and the chords. Here's a little:

Youre not the only one
With mixed emotions
Youre not the only ship
Adrift on this ocean

This coming and going
Is driving me nuts
This to-ing and fro-ing
Is hurting my guts
So get off the fence
Its creasing your butt
Life is a party
Lets get out and strut

And to say one of the biggest touring bands in history, was just its own cover band is weak. Cover bands don't draw a crowd estimated at 2 MILLION for a concert in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in 2006. I watched a special on that once, and everything about it was mind-blowing. Oh, and as far as padding fortunes, the concert itself was free.

So this writer was factually wrong on several levels. Incidentally, the song "Mixed Emotions" also spent 5 weeks at Number 1 on another chart - and the Tommy James book explains how the different charts work - it's fascinating.

In conclusion, go Bruce! But this writer has a bad start to this article, dismissing the Stones. Where's the respect?

I'll try and read the rest later.

Thanks for the link to this good read.

Spent the last 35 minutes enjoying it-despite the diss to the Stones ;) Not in the same galaxy as a puff piece.

Bill asked about the "definitive" book on Springsteen, and I couldn't resist. Remnick read the galley of Peter's upcoming book as part of his reporting -- it's coming out November 6, officially, from Simon & Schuster. (Although Amazon says it's a week earlier.)


The Stones haven't had a ~great~ song since about 1972 or '73. Just a small handful of good ones.

Bruce and the E Street Band are coming to Portland (Rose Garden) in late November. No date announced yet for ticket sales.

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