
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on July 19, 2012 1:43 PM. The previous post in this blog was Sam Adams opposes library taxing district. The next post in this blog is Another gang shooting in Portland. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Thursday, July 19, 2012

Who says Mitt isn't up front with the American people?

The man tells it like it is, and unlike Obama, he's careful about his campaign promises.

Comments (13)

Number of times Pres. Obama has gone golfing in the last 6 months: 32. Number of times his "Jobs Council" has met in the last 6 months: 0. Sorry, I'm voting for the guy with the magic underpants...

I'm reminded of what someone said to me a while back... the only difference anymore between today's Democrats and Republicans is the Democrats lie about why they're taking all of your money, whereas the Republicans simply take it.

I like that Mr. Grumpy, but I heard it like this.

Blues lie about what they want, reds lie about why they want it, but they both want the same thing.

What the story neglects to mention is that Paul Ryan was waiting outside with an ice floe for the people Romney didn't shake hands with.

Well they'll be dead shortly after he takes office if elected. Publicly funded elder care? No mas!

Ha! That is a riot. So's this:


Oh wait a minute, it's not satire.

Number of times Pres. Obama has gone golfing in the last 6 months: 32. Number of times his "Jobs Council" has met in the last 6 months: 0. Sorry, I'm voting for the guy with the magic underpants...

The Faux News talking points are so tired. Now watch this drive.

Many "Jobs Council" recommendations made their way into the American Jobs Act. Guess who opposed the American Jobs Act? Willard Mittens Romney.

Perhaps you can inform us what your candidate of choice stands for other than cutting taxes and magic underpants?

Hey, Mitt cares about the ones who will be dead before election day: he's gonna baptize 'em after they die.

5th Gen - Funny how you gnash you teeth about "Fox talking points" while complaining about Bush, which is the only thing Obama has done for the last 3 1/2 years (beside blowing 5 trillion dollars.) In November we'll see who America believes.

HMLA: When are you guys going to start complaining about Bush? Those are his fingerprints on the two needless wars, the conversion of a budget surplus into an enormous sea of red ink, the completely irresponsible decision to cut taxes while prosecuting those wars.

Any honest assessment of the Bush 43 adminstration would conclude that it will take at least 20 years to recover from the damage done by Bush/Cheney.

Pres. Bush made plenty of mistakes, but he had to deal with the greatest attack on this country since WWII. We were in uncharted territory, in the dark. Do you honestly think Obama, or anyone else, could have done better? I just get a little tired of people speaking of him as if he were the antichrist. Particularly so, when Pres. Obama (now that he has access to the classified intel) has kept the Patriot Act, Gitmo, Rendition, and a host of other things that he so passionately railed against when he was running.

Pres. Obama made plenty of mistakes, but he had to deal with the greatest economic crisis in this country since the Great Depression. We were in uncharted territory, in the dark. Do you honestly think McCain, Romney, or anyone else, could have done better? I just get a little tired of people speaking of him as if he were the antichrist.

Why yes, I do. The press has been french-kissing Obama since he's been in office, he's had no where near the venom that was directed at (either) Bush. How many companies did Bush sink $500 million into that went bust within a year. (And, by the way, Bush II's administration said no to Solyndra because they thought it was a bad investment.)

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