They'll hound you anyway
Here's a bad idea out of San Francisco: Give people dogs so that they won't panhandle. Are they kidding? Here in Portlandia, a dog seems to be part of the standard uniform for beggars under age 30.
Here's a bad idea out of San Francisco: Give people dogs so that they won't panhandle. Are they kidding? Here in Portlandia, a dog seems to be part of the standard uniform for beggars under age 30.
Comments (13)
They're full of great ideas. No sooner did gov. Moonbeam sign legislation for a $68 billion high-speed train line than Bay area residents were informed that they'll have to pony up $650 million in toll hikes and new San Francisco taxes - funding for the tunnel needed to connect to downtown SF was somehow accidentally left out of the "package".
Posted by Max | July 24, 2012 10:27 AM
Better idea - If they're talking to themselves match them up with someone similar so it looks like they're having a conversation.
It really kills cities to work on stuff like jobs, good schools and potholes - Doesn't it?
Posted by Steve | July 24, 2012 10:36 AM
Dogs are banned in downtown Nelson BC too. That seemed to solve the problem there....the panhandlers with dogs all came to Vancouver, BC. Seattle and Portland!
Posted by Portland Native | July 24, 2012 10:59 AM
As though homeless people are notoriously good at encouraging normal behavior?
Posted by The Fisher-Schutzhund | July 24, 2012 11:12 AM
Putting animals with physical and emotional needs in the hands of people who may or may not care for them in exchange for money? What could possibly go wrong?
Posted by Kevin | July 24, 2012 11:23 AM
The panhandler situation is so bad I'd be willing to try a different idea along the same lines. Train the pooches to recognize panhandling behavior on the part of their owners, and further train them to respond by growling menacingly at any potential donors.
Posted by Gaye Harris | July 24, 2012 11:54 AM
Here in Portlandia, a dog seems to be part of the standard uniform for beggars under age 30.
No kidding, dogs wearing neckerchiefs even.
My favorite a year or so ago was a couple of dirty-looking kids with said described dog at the east end of the Morrison Bridge I-5 offramp with a sign that said "NEED $$ FOR WEED"... and it worked... they were receiving collections for the cause.
Posted by Mr. Grumpy | July 24, 2012 12:06 PM
From the article:
WOOF, Wonderful Opportunities for Occupants and Fidos…
... the brainchild of Rebecca *Katz*… (RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!)
... Housing Opportunities, Partnerships and Engagement… (HOPE...)
... We think it will be *absolutely magic*…
... it provides them a sense of purpose and dignity like no other…(?)
... We want to *create* something that is a *boilerplate model* for the rest of the country… (Great metaphor)
Sheesh. The Society for the Creation of Acronyms and Asinine Metaphors (SCAAM) is working overtime down there. What a crock.
Posted by PDXLifer | July 24, 2012 12:21 PM
Sorry Jack, but when I clicked onto your connection to "Atlantic Cities" my eyes caught "New Research Finds Urban Form Plays Little in Sustainability".
In examining density and spread in three degrees it found that the difference in energy used is little. Back in the 60's and 70's the dispersed Garden City concept was an instrumental part of urban planning discussions in planning/architecture schools. Sir Howard back in 1898 labeled the concept and in subsequent decades it pops up.
This article is very informative and supports the several studies that were done in the 60's and 70's that supports the conclusions.
Maybe we can get the Planners of our urban area to listen up. The concept needs to cycle through again with some sticking power. Then we might have some room for dogs.
Posted by Lee | July 24, 2012 1:28 PM
Hey, just last week I saw a panhandler with a cardboard sign that said he was taking donations for food for his three cats....
Posted by godfry | July 24, 2012 2:02 PM
Hahahaaaa, your almost like a blog version of Stephen Colbert!
Posted by al m | July 24, 2012 8:04 PM
Worse yet than pets, how about children? Check out the family encamped in front of Bi Mart on SE Woodstock. Mom, Dad and their little girl started out on 39th in front of Trader Joes and were asked to leave. They have been at the Bi Mart location for about 2 months. Their sign reads "Need Money for Hostel" The child is used for bait. If in three months they have not been able to find emergency housing then I would posit that they don't need it. I suspect that they collect money and then go home in the evening. Not a great environment for children...
Posted by dean | July 25, 2012 1:29 PM
Dean, next time you see them, pull out your cell phone and call 911, give a description and location, and tell the truth-that you fear for the child's life, living all day next to busy traffic, being used by her parents to colllect funds for their lifestyle habits, etc You may be the first to alert the system, and your act may indeed save her life. .
Posted by Gaye harris | July 25, 2012 4:00 PM