
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on July 8, 2012 1:43 PM. The previous post in this blog was Rah rah siss boom bah, cont'd. The next post in this blog is Footnote. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Sunday, July 8, 2012

Portlandia doesn't need this

With all the government planners we have running around, this would be superfluous. It's just as well confined to Australia.

Comments (4)

A video about England's building restrictions:

Let’s Build
James Heartfield describes how most land is off limits to building in England, leading to high housing costs. USA is following a similar path.



It might be a good idea. Most of the planner ideas aren't firmly in the minds of the average eight year old playing with Legos. We might actually get simple, functional structures rather than the crap that is built today that has to have LEED this, solar that, eco-something, wind turbines sticking out of who-knows-where, and "artistic" structures that look godawful ugly and have to be torn down in 20 years.

All of our planners grew up playing SimCity on an Apple II (the poor planners had to use a Commodore 64, the rich planners got Apple IIgs computers courtesy of their well-to-do school.)

Jim - since you brought up central planning in England, I thought I'd throw out a concept there that has yet to take hold in the US - pushing older "Bedroom-Blockers" out of their homes so young families may move in, all in the name of "generational fairness". Oh but this idea has surfaced here. In LO we have been admonished over and over by Judie Hammerstad and her followers that we need Homer's condos and apartments for the boomer set to move into so young families might have their large houses when they move. But in Judie's case, it's to save the school district, not for any fairness (or equity) issue... yet. This doesn't have anything to do with Legos, but it appears the same planning ideas are everywhere these days. It is so difficult for me to understand why there are so many people who want to control the lives of others when just managing one's own life is challenging enough.

From the Daily Mail October, 2011:
Older people should be taxed out of their family homes to free up space for younger generations, says a report backed by Labour.
It argues that 'empty nesters' in their 60s are taking up too much room and should be 'encouraged' by a new 'land tax' to downsize to smaller homes.
The call comes from the Intergenerational Foundation, a left-leaning think-tank that aims to 'promote fairness between generations'.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2050800/Over-60-bedroom-blockers-taxed-homes.html#ixzz207PWeEFa

"The call comes from the Intergenerational Foundation, a left-leaning think-tank that aims to 'promote fairness between generations'."
JK: Why does it seem that the worst fascist/crackpot ideas come from the progressives? It seems as though their only remaining, redeeming values are their stand on the so called social issues.

There was a time when the progressives main goal was to improve people's lives, not dictate people's lives.


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