
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on July 28, 2012 10:08 AM. The previous post in this blog was Ted Wheeler's spokesman kills a guy. The next post in this blog is Metro now running polls for Pamplin. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Saturday, July 28, 2012

More rockin' with Duane

One thing leads to another. Last weekend we were chatting here about the relationship of rock and jazz when we mentioned the late country rocker Duane Jarvis, who was a Portlander as a young man. That got us digging around in our box of 45's for our copy of the record that Jarvis and his friends made in 1981 as the group 2 Minutes 50. And now it has gotten a reader hunting around for a certain photo that he had:

I dug up a photo of when I was playing with the John Borroz band and Duane Jarvis was playing guitar. Tom Wendt [later of KBOO blues fame] is on drums and I'm (Tim Henwood) playing bass. The venue is the 9th Street Exit Coffee house in the old Centenary Wilbur Methodist Church, which became a bunch of different things after that. Located on SE 9th and Ash. Earl from Sleazy Pieces fame used to work there, as well as Father John Andrews – Christian minister and local folk player. I also remember Paul Delay sitting in with us once or twice.

I think Duane lasted about 6 months before moving on to other ventures. I'm guessing this is around 1978-1980.

A moment captured, to be sure:

Thanks, Tim.

Comments (5)

Jack, thanks for posting this photo.

The last time around I discussed how I made a fool of myself when Duane and I were teenagers.

Now, I realize the guy I worked with for many years at The Oregonian - Tom Wendt - played in a band with a guy I knew. Only I never knew it until now (I DID know Tom was at KBOO).

Coincidentally (this is getting a little eery) my family attended Centenary Wilbur in the late 60's when Reverend Richardson was there. I loved to tell my kids (years later when it was the "bunch of diferent things your reader mentions) that I used to sing there, and when I did, people came and WORSHIPED.

Just got off the phone with my old band-mate Charlie, and I definitely recognize John Borroz from some jams we all had back in the day.
In a related twist to the post about the Emerson Brothers, Charlie has played with them numerous times up in Spokane and even recorded an album in the 1999 version of the Emersons studio.
As I just told him, these stories of the music business from this level have all the genuine good stuff that you could hope for, as well as some of the bad, but frankly, you couldn't have tragedies on the scales of Altamont, etc...We weren't successful enough to cause that much harm.

That means this level starts being more endearing, even if the musical contribution to society is often scaled down or non-existent.

I just read a book by the tour manager of the Allman Brothers and that was a flat-out Southern tragedy of almost shocking proportions. The albums were legendary but the pain they had to endure was pretty grim.

These days I'm leaning towards stories like "2 Minutes 50". They're more fun to think back on, than the big-time tragic stuff.

Billy Rancher & the Unreal Gods. The Burnside Bombers when they had Matt Kilwein (sp.?). Salmon Dave with Linda Hornbuckle. Johnny & the Distractions with Bill Feldman (sp.?). Seafood Mama. Slowtrain. Curtis Salgado & the Stilettos. Sheila & the Boogeymen. Paul Delay at the Jazz Quarry. Johnny Limbo & the Lugnuts with Billy Hagen. There were more.

Remember Jeff Lorber Fusion? One of his bass players from that era, Lester McFarland, came over to the house and jammed with us one day. Incidentally, Jeff is still doing it all these years later.

We also had a weekly gig at a tavern on Stark called the Questing Beast, and the band that played the day before, or the day after, would be moving their stuff out or in. We'd all sit down and drink beer and discuss music. They were a trio to start with then - as I remember it - they added keyboards during this stretch. The bass player was Richard Cousins and the singer/guitarist was Robert Cray. He was already singing and playing great blues even then.

Lorber was hitting the (relatively) big time by the time I caught up to him. But he would play the Last Hurrah from time to time. Jim Pepper would even come around once in a while. I have a fond memory of him playing Artquake on the transit mall one year back in the day.

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