
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on July 27, 2012 3:00 PM. The previous post in this blog was Maybe it was for Miss Oregon. The next post in this blog is Char-Lie's bike path plan would destroy 1,000 jobs. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Friday, July 27, 2012

Like a prayer

The new government-mandated religion of "equity" is outlined in this frightening document from Portland City Hall. The bottom line, of course, is more public money for the Homer Williams types to build apartments, but how you get there is quite a circuitous trip through a forest of planner platitudes. Oh, and did you know -- "equity" includes "sustainability"? Yes, now there's "social sustainability."

Worse than a waste of money, this handiwork is actually harmful. It's straight out of Orwell.

Comments (16)

At least they are finally admitting that growth is hurting our neighborhoods:

The benefits of growth and change are equitably shared across our communities. No one community is overly burdened by the region's growth. (bold added)

And they pay lip service to listening to us:

All Portlanders and communities fully participate in and influence public decision-making.


The key to defeating this document before it enters your brain and causes any damage, is to replace "equity" with the phrase, "an orgasm."

To illustrate how much this adds to this mind-numbing piece of bureaucratic dogma, let me convert the first paragraph:

"An Orgasm Defined"
"An orgasm is when everyone has access to the opportunities to satisfy their essential needs, advance their well-being and reach their full potential. We have a shared fate as individuals within a community, and communities within society. All communities need the ability to shape their own present and future. An orgasm is both the means to healthy communities and an end that benefits us all."

I'm sure it works for the rest of the document, starting with "Making An Orgasm Real" followed by "Why An Orgasm Matters".

Even the picture makes more sense, as does Jim Karlock's use of the phrase "lip service."

Even the picture makes more sense, as does Jim Karlock's use of the phrase "lip service."
Bill, the cunning linguist!


Come on now, stop spewing that crazy stuff.

The City of Portland can begin by distributing all city pension payments on an EQUAL basis to citizens who have no pension. Fair is fair. Need knows no Name.

Who's ready to give up half your pension to support those who have none? {crickets chirping}...

You didn't earn that pension on your own: lots of people contributed to your pension's success.

To be socially sustainable do you have to put a brick in your toilet tank?

Just another UN Agenda 21 tool. It's happening all over:


New World Order will take care of everything.

There's this big need for ethnic re-engineering for minorities, except when it comes to Asians, who seem to do pretty well with much less of the uplifting money and programs thrown at them. Do the social engineers ever consider that it might not be the City's fault that certain groups don't do as well as others?

"... access to... healthy food." A burrito that isn't wheezing?

(Yeah, I'm a grammar NAZI. One who eats healthful food. OK, rarely.)

So we will see section 8 housing in the SoWat ?

"everyone has access to the opportunities to satisfy their essential needs, advance their well-being and reach their full potential"

Since when the f**k is this the job of the government? Fix the f**king roads, keep our neighborhoods safe and stop stealing our money for choo choos no one wants!.

This job is up to individual people to worry about...for themselves. But it's hard when you take all their money away for your stupid f**king programs like this!

No wonder this city is so f**ked up!

How much did this new Office of Equity cost us?
In return, I imagine more behavioral changes heaped upon us.
It simply is not sane living with this constant change here orchestrated
by people who are in another world here other than taking care of the basics.
I don't think we need to elect our Mayor and Commissioners to be social engineers.
They should be social workers if that is their interest.
They should be developers in the private sector if that is their interest.

That's why the idea of replacing the word "Equity" makes sense. The Office of Orgasms perfectly captures governmental intrusion into our lives, so instead of just being crude, it's borderline brilliant, and that's despite Karlock's unfortunate play on words that followed. JK, this is about moans, not groans. Thanks.

The document's definitely got the Orwellian stuff - without a hint of recognition. If it had stated, "Of course, some of us are more equal than others" - it wouldn't be much more blatant, but to me, it's also got a North Korean vibe.

Parts of this document read like Kim Jong Un's wedding vows.

That circle chart is a laugh:

Thriving Educated Youth
Economic Prosperity
Healthy Connected City

Maybe in Hillsboro.

Sigh...If Martin Luther King, Jr, had owned a smartphone and a laptop, maybe there would not have been civil rights demonstrations. Can't find a job? Maybe your internet connection is down or is Rockwood having a power outage?

OMG!! Look at page 2. It resembles that "radiation" warning symbol. I luv Big Brother.

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