
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on July 25, 2012 9:46 AM. The previous post in this blog was The perfect getaway. The next post in this blog is Time to start collecting for our Sam Rand scrapbook. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Wednesday, July 25, 2012

It doesn't smell like the Rose Festival

It's been a busy couple of weeks around here, and we're just now getting around to posting about this message, which we received from a reader last week:

I was in Astoria yesterday and today. Came back on U.S. 26 today about 3:30 p.m. Just about 100-150 yards east of the Glencoe Road entrance onto 26, there was a gawd awful stench of rotting vegetation and other stuff.

At the exit from 26 eastbound onto Glencoe Road, there were a number of signs back off the ODOT right-of-way making various comments about the stench. Apparently some folks out there are seriously upset.

I had the windows wide open, no AC on, and was motivating at a goodly clip. I very clearly got the odor. If it's like that often, folks out there have a reason to be upset, IMHO.

It's all part of the wonderful new Portland food compost ordeal. And other areas are about to get theirs -- Lents, Wanker's Corner, and doubtlessly more. The arrogance is, well, breathtaking.

Comments (18)

At least it's consistant with the way SamRand run things, but I don't think olfactory fatigue will help much.

Deja Vu of the garbage facility that failed after it couldn't get odors under control in NE Portland.

This whole coal thing is like the PacifiCoal boondoggle of the 80s near Terminal 6.

What's next? Multiple nuclear power plants in Washington State, ala WPPSS?

It doesn't smell like the Rose Festival

That is why we can no longer be called the City of Roses, hardly a rose to be seen on our floats. We have been turned into The City That Works!

It doesn't work!

There are signs out at the Stafford area as well to put a stop to one of these in their area and right next to a school.

I guess we have to get used to it! This is not at all about good livability here anymore that is driving the scene. Eco this and that and living with Stenchy is all a part of it, until the entire place is filled with such stench that no one in their right mind would advocate for any of this, except the ones indoctrinated to do so all for the good of the planet.

As I see it, those promoting the stench won't live here,
and those thinking it is all such a great idea will eventually leave as well.
What might look good in concept and paper is another matter
when the concept becomes reality with stench right into your bedroom at night.

It was smelly in April with cool temps and the windows rolled up!
Nasty business in SO many ways.

I have an old trash compactor I am going to sell and I see that they are going fast on Craigslist. These old machines were gathering dust in homes as household garbage lessened from the impacts of recycling. Way to go Portland, you brought them back! Customers can now use more electricity to cram 2 weeks of garbage into one can. How long does it take for compacted garbage to compost anyway?

When the compactor is gone, I will be a sorry soul if LO goes down the same Green path. Yuk! Can't wait for November! Go LOCAL!

Very romantic, you, your lover and stenchy!

My green rollcart has developed quite a stench itself in the last couple of weeks. I need to wash it, but I'm not sure where to dump the foul water that will result in the bottom of the can. Not on my property, especially in this heat. Down the storm drain, I guess.

Actually, the last time I was at the "festival center", maybe three years ago, it had been very rainy and the grass was a rotten stenchy mess. Not unlike the compost dump I'm sure.

I'm thinking of just leaving my stinky cart and its permanent stink out on the street all the time where it belongs, just like the Middle Ages before public sanitation and sewers were invented! Go retro, Portland!

Jeff Cogen,
Are you going to step in as head of the Mulnomah County to do what is right here for the health of our community or have you lock stepped in line with the agenda driven here?

If you ask Cogen, you should also ask Saltzman.

North Plains is in Washington County

Yes, but the slop comes from Multnomah, where it sits for weeks at a time right outside people's homes.

Great 'photo' - make me laugh. Ah well, y'all putting up with it and voting in more of the same, get ready for more of the same.

Multnomah Co. doesn't keep it's garbage to itself, it is farmed out to the rest of the Tri-County area tha Metro controls. Another good reason to get rid of Metro.

....get ready for more of the same...

Unfortunately, it looks more like having to get ready for worse!!

If the clock were to stop today, (sans our current city council. other elected officials and policies) in my view we would be wounded, but we might be able to crawl out of a mess.
Think of what that could mean -
no Milwaukie light rail, no more bunker apts. without parking, no more degrading to change our good water system, no more unneeded rate increases, no new URA's, no coal trains, no taking Hayden Island for pavement, no more extreme infill and congestion, no meat products in with yard debris, no more propaganda for behavioral changes, and etc. Others can add to the list.
What would be best is NO more career politicians.
No more inept or corrupt ones in charge making decisions for us.

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