
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on July 7, 2012 11:42 AM. The previous post in this blog was K-Mart Village. The next post in this blog is Predicament in Portlandia. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Saturday, July 7, 2012

Hipster 101

And apparently, they're serious about it.

Comments (11)


This speaks directly to me:
"Still if you want to be hipster at 70, go for it, but do be aware that it's probably time baby boomers left adolescence by now."

I think it's the perfect retirement gig. I still have a few years to save up so I can afford this new lifestyle/gig/slash. I'll need those years to shed the extra pounds for my new skinny jeans, learn the lingo and which bands are indie-enuf, and otherwise prepare to be a hipster. Glad somebody wrote the 101 book; it takes a lotta work to appear like you don't give a s***.

"It's hard to stay passionate about a personal style that you're adopting if you don't have a clear focus on the reasons for why you've taken to it"

Sh!!!t don't worry about that stuff. You're a lemming. All you get to decide is which cliff you are going to jump off.

... they're serious about it.

No way.

With age I have discovered a sad truth. When you are 20 you look pretty good no matter what you wear. At 70, not so much. When you are 20 and not wearing anything you still look pretty good. At 70, not so much.

Just saw an indie film (on DVD) called "The Lie"...it ends with the slackers moving up to Portland to follow their dreams.

It's worth watching: hipster caricature to me, but an inspiring tale of following your dreams for the creative class.

Sounds just as contrived and "conforming" as any other chosen lifestyle, but more exhausting. I need a nap after reading through those guidelines.

hmmm...a thought comes to mind....no particular reason why....

Didn't 'hipster' used to refer to a particular style of women's panties?

You might want to have your sarcasm detector re-calibrated.

Comedy Gold. I find myself visiting the "get off my lawn" guy more frequently than ever these days. Must be getting old!

These are the same morons that whine about not being able to get a job. What business owner is going to hire one of these slobs?

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