Contamination, but it's cool
It's amazing, isn't it, how quickly the City of Portland came up with a slick graphic to illustrate the E. coli scare?

Remember, this sudden discovery happened on a sunny summer weekend. It's almost as if they had it planned ahead of time.
In any event, the city can't provide basic services, but we absolutely will not be out-Tweeted. Go by streetcar!
Comments (26)
And, the order must be announced in the voice of Curly Howard. The new official virtual spokesperson for the City of Portland, "The City That Woiks." Nyuk-yuk-yuk!
Posted by Mojo | July 22, 2012 1:03 AM
Eh I think you're grasping at straws here. of course they had a graphic ready. Why wouldn't they? There's plenty of scandalous stuff going on at the Water Bureau, but this doesn't really seem to be one of them. Though I'm sure they spent ridiculous gobs of money on this website redesign.
Posted by Andrew S | July 22, 2012 2:04 AM
This cannot be true.
I have not received an alert on my
smart phone.
Posted by RT Howard | July 22, 2012 3:15 AM
And I just went to the Oh? to see if there is an update on water quality, and I could not even find the article on today's front page!
The Timbers score is more important.
Posted by pdxjim | July 22, 2012 7:08 AM
Sorry, if you want basic services that's gonna cost you another 50% rate increase.
Posted by Steve | July 22, 2012 7:17 AM
Where is the advisory for the wolves in the hen house about to steal more of our eggs?
The timing of this is not only suspicious as Hell, it stinks like poop.
Posted by tim | July 22, 2012 8:46 AM
Just got a robo call from the Admiral's staff stating the boil water alert has been lifted.
Posted by pdxjim | July 22, 2012 8:47 AM
Something doesn't quite add up.
Back on Wednesday, Jack wrote about Carollo and how its lower rates were due to receiving untreated water.
Does the Water Bureau have dual pipes throughout Portland giving customers the option to get treated or untreated water? Did someone turn on the wrong valve somewhere, or misuse a back-flow preventer?
Or is it that all of Portland's water is untreated, and the justification given for Carollo's lower rates simply double-talk?
As for having the website and graphics all ready to go...someone got paid some overtime on this one.
Posted by Mike (one of the many) | July 22, 2012 8:50 AM
OK, alert withdrawn. No harm done, aside from a few tens of thousands of lost revenues for restaurants that had to close for Saturday night. As you were, folks, and full speed ahead with the treat-or-cover scam.
Posted by Allan L. | July 22, 2012 9:54 AM
Posted by Kent Craford | July 22, 2012 9:58 AM
I wonder how much we have been paying overtime to fast track to put this "water LT2 matter" on a race "too late to turn back idea"?
If any sense and integrity were in play here, all PWB projects related would be stopped. At the very least a moratorium on storage tanks not needed and then any plans to wreck the reservoirs should be stopped. This LT2 rule is being reviewed right now, the prudent thing is to stop then. NY had no problem getting a reprieve until 2028 and are asking for 2034, NY Senator Schumer said the matter is too financially burdensome for their community.
What do our Senators, Wyden and Merkley think, that we can well afford this?
We have a pathetic situation here when our elected officials are not working on our behalf and apparently are OK with incrementally wrecking our existing water system. In my opinion, it has been a rigged deal for a long time. Since trust has been lost, this latest looks like another ploy to get the people into a fear mode, to facilitate PWB plans. The debt swamping continues. The choke hold on the elephant in the room continues. Why is it when I bring up the subject of our water to the general public, they do not know?
Water watchers can weep, the community can do so when they find out, but too late!
Posted by clinamen | July 22, 2012 10:17 AM
ALL of the above and then some.
Crooks, liars, thieves, and incompetents, the role bunch!
Hey, Admiral Randy, you reading the blog this morning?
If you are, and I hope all the comments made here make you mad as hell! Show your true colors and come out swinging.
Posted by portland native | July 22, 2012 11:07 AM
I received MY robo call about two hours ago giving the slightly ambiguous "all clear".
Oddly, as soon as the call stated the "boil water..." warning was lifted, it instructed me to "...let the tap flow for at least two minutes...". WHY would that be a recommendation? Is that to flush out the "contaminated water" out of my pipes?
Would that be EVERY TIME I brush my teeth, or just today? And I supposed I shouldn't worry about the water in my water heater?
Why do I smell another "cry wolf" moment?
My water usage for last quarter was $ 12 but my bill came to a mysterious $ 141 to pay for Randy's slush fund.
Posted by ltjd | July 22, 2012 11:18 AM
portland native:the role bunch!
Very interesting, over a brunch this weekend,
I was told not to be so judgmental about these types
in that they have a role to play!!
Posted by clinamen | July 22, 2012 11:24 AM
Friends of Reservoirs advisory notes that we only get these when something goes wrong with those dangerous open reservoirs. They cite two events which didn't provoke alerts: one wherein some genius broke open a hatch on a covered reservoir and dumped the contents of a storage shed into it, and another wherein something nasty that only happens in covered ones happened. We didn't need to know about those, apparently.
I would love to have a number for the treatment value of sun and fresh air on the open ones. Bet it is a big number. What Carollo is researching, IIRC, is proof of the value of artificial UV light treatment.
I wondered about the restaurants, bottlers, etc. I bet they went completely ape-$%#!.
Posted by dyspeptic | July 22, 2012 12:51 PM
For anyone who wants to get wound up about this, here's an option.
Posted by dyspeptic | July 22, 2012 1:34 PM
Restaurants in Garden home served no water nor soft drinks.
Posted by Max | July 22, 2012 1:44 PM
dyseptic:.....proof of the value of artificial UV light treatment.
According to a chart I saw regarding Added Treatment:
Bull Run - Chlorine, Amonia
UV, Ozone, filtration - Formaldehyde, Alum, Aldehyde, Acrylamide, Unknowns
Willamette River, Columbia River, Columbia River South Shore Well Field - PCB, Dioxin, Oil, Nuclear, Metals, Hormones, PAH Pesticides, Insect. Unknowns
I find our current sustainable system has been trustworthy and worked for 100 years.
Can we trust corporate designed systems to do the same?
Bigger question is whether we can trust our PWB at this time?
Open those Curtains completely and fill us in as to what the grand master plans are!
But it all fits, they don't want open anything, no open reservoirs, no open public meetings with questions and real answers. Instead closed tanks are being promoted, indicative of closed minds, closed plans, closed information about the storage tank problems and we are being financially tanked!
Posted by clinamen | July 22, 2012 2:31 PM
Tanks a lot PWB!!
Posted by Starbuck | July 22, 2012 2:44 PM
clinamen...just a combo of arthritic fingers and anger, and not proof-reading bad...sigh!
Posted by portland native | July 22, 2012 2:52 PM
portland native,
I thought so, however, the "role bunch" does fit!
I thought it so interesting as I said above
I was told that they are just playing out their role.
Posted by clinamen | July 22, 2012 3:06 PM
Here's another option:
Posted by Allan L. | July 22, 2012 3:29 PM
Shall we take those to city hall when we protest? Or we could all just shovel out the place when the Sam Rands depart...
Oh wait...the same old sh*t will still be there after the new bunch moves in...silly me!
Posted by portland native | July 22, 2012 6:31 PM
Don't forget to run your taps for two minutes, and empty your hot water heater. Oh, and if you have a dog, be sure to flush the toilet twice.
Posted by Allan L. | July 22, 2012 6:32 PM
Oh wait...the same old sh*t will still be there after the new bunch moves in...
So will those same gold plated shovels they use for their ever ready shovel projects. . .
Posted by clinamen | July 23, 2012 5:48 PM
...shovel-ready projects.
Posted by clinamen | July 23, 2012 7:07 PM