
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on July 31, 2012 9:29 PM. The previous post in this blog was She blinded me with technology. The next post in this blog is Swarm of quakes 15 miles off south Oregon coast. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Cogen scrooges your iPod

One of the cool rewards of having a Multnomah County library card over the last year and change was that you could download three songs a week from a service called Freegal. Now, due to budget cuts from the county, that's been reduced to one song a week:

All the more reason to vote for the library taxing district. And all the more reason to vote out the underachievers currently sitting on the Multnomah County commission.

Comments (5)

What libraries? We have to pay for the Sellwood Bridge before the structure ( that has more steel per lane than any other truss bridge in Portland) falls over.

Interesting that one of the necessary functions of government is to provide you with free music downloads...

One wonders what the libraries will be doing ten years from now, as publishing rapidly shifts from paper to electronic media.

There may be many good reasons to vote out incumbent Multnomah County commissioners, but cutting back on free music downloads is not one of them.

Political support for a new taxing district is dropping like a rock. Apparently a lot of people have figured out that since library levies routinely pass anyway, there's not much of a case for a tax district.

This compression is good because it puts the money where we want it instead of waiting for a political whim.

Interesting that one of the necessary functions of government is to provide you with free music downloads...

No, what is interesting is that you can keep something that you paid for without paying an additional fee.

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