
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on July 27, 2012 7:47 AM. The previous post in this blog was Why the lazy Portland cop is really in trouble. The next post in this blog is Internet mugshot sites become a hot topic. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Friday, July 27, 2012

Breaking news: Sam Rand emergency system doesn't work

Prominent on the massive pile of worthless junk purchased with Portland taxpayers' money by the Adams "administration" has been one emergency communications system after another. So far, they pretty much all stink. The latest fiasco is the contraption that was supposed to warn the whole west side to boil water last weekend. Apparently, about two thirds of the people who were supposed to get a call, didn't.

"We want answers," bellows the Admiral. Here's one: The whole system is a waste of money, but you love toys, and you bought this one, so deal with it. And please don't buy any more before you and your co-star take the PERS powder. The only emergency is in his pants.

Comments (4)

"The only emergency is in his pants"
I thought the Admiral was wearing 'Depends' all the time these days.

"emergency system doesn't work"

From SamRand's perspective it worked. We need:
- A new way to contact people $$
- More water purity studies $$$
- Reservoir lids $$$$
- Sam needs a job working for Randy at MWH or Carollo $$$$$

See, it works.

Lars heedlessly leaped his libel or piled his bile on this malfunctioning communications topic, today, but before that in his broadcast came this:

"This is a test of equipment to present emergencies for you ..." followed by
sound effects zzzzzut! zzzzzut! zzzzzut! of a cattle prod.

My sense makes it good news for that to be broken. Let my emergencies present themselves without pre-staged or -scripted fear.

Here was my experience with the notifications:

07-21-12 - notice
Press release: 12:47 pm
Text message: 01:53 pm
Email: 1:55 pm
Land line call: unsure, maybe 2:00 pm?
Cell phone call: 4:26 pm

07-22-12 – rescind
Press release: unsure, about 8:00 am on website
Text message: 7:54 am
Email: 7:57 am
Land line call: 8:42 am
Cell phone call: 10:08 am

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