
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on July 9, 2012 3:48 PM. The previous post in this blog was Little Lord Paulson beheads a vassal. The next post in this blog is Gresham City Council districting makes the ballot. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Monday, July 9, 2012

Brady burned through $1.4 million

Including $335,000 of her own money. Can you imagine blowing $335,000 trying to break into politics? And then you find out that the public would rather have Nutsy or Char-Lie? Grim stuff.

Comments (8)

Nothing - I thought the Scone spent $1M trying to beat Potter. Which makes you wonder why they'd spend that kind of money to buy a $100K/yr job for 4 years.

Maybe LaVonne Griffin-Valade can move up in city politics without spending ANY money

She can afford it.

So the old adage about how 'the populace gets the government they deserve' applies here?

One of the weird things about her campaign was that she always sounded the fakest and most politician like of the three. I liked her a lot more before I heard more from her. Apparently I wasn't the only one. Still waiting for a truth.telling, blunt, no BS kinda candidate to gain traction. Kinda everything Jefferson Smith wishes he was.

She should have recruited bojack for advice.

God forbid a candidate dare sway from the path of sustainability righteousness and the planning regime.

Brady tried so heard to out Portland the the competition.

For just a little briefest while, the Portland electorate's rejection of Brady's incessant pandering to every interest group
gave me some hope.

Then I remembered who had made it through to round two.

I will give Brady credit for one - and only one - part of her campaign: IIRC, Brady promised to can Tom Miller within the first three minutes after being sworn in.

And then you find out that the public would rather have Nutsy or Char-Lie?

I don't think the public was engaged. It was the two factions (that Jack brought up in a thread after the May election) with vested interests that brought us the final results in the primary.
In my opinion, we also have convenient software programs.

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