An odd moment from Google
Despite warnings from our mother that it will make us go blind, we Google ourself frequently. When you run a Google search, and go to the listed findings, there's often a cached version of the found site that Google has created; you can look at it without going to actual site itself. And so it was with our post last night about Rasheed Wallace (which, by the way, seemed funnier to us at 10:30 p.m. than it did today at 10:30 a.m.).
But amazingly, in the Google cached version, there was a photo other than the one that was contained on our actual page. Google went and drew another photo out of somewhere and inserted it into the cached post:

The actual post:

We may have had that top photo on our server at one point, but it's not there now, and it wasn't there when we posted our latest 'Sheed screed. The ways of the Google bots are mysterious. A little scary sometimes.
Comments (5)
whatcha smokin'? some simpleton always asks. when they're reminded of the one time they tuned in.
But seriously folks, We Teh Folks WTF, maybe things look different to us at one time (22:30 say) and look different to us at another time (10:30 say) simply because we have cycles of juices in us, hormones, blood flows, circadian rhythms and tidal hi's and lo's ... and when something humorous is a laugh to read (as I took it), then the unself-conscious currents are flowing, and when the currents subside, later the humorous might be a trudge to carry its collected baggage.
I say it's still funny. Funny with baggage.
No, the 'editorial' (read: 'political') alteration is not a 'blanket' Google treatment of everyone the same. These are computers, digital precise, you are numbered specifically and targeted very selectively. Each of us is. Emphasis on each.
The good news (such as it is) is that most of the surveillance and eavesdropping data is only used for marketing on us -- as long as you can say 'No Sale' the pitch doesn't injure you. And the 'loss or invasion of privacy' argument seems weak trying to name any single privacy you had in the first place -- you can't lose something you never had.
Having said that, let's do this: BOYCOTT Google and whatever salesmen of Google.
Posted by Tenskwatawa | July 26, 2012 7:31 PM
"But seriously folks, We Teh Folks WTF, maybe things look different to us at one time (22:30 say) and look different to us at another time (10:30 say)"
They look different because sometimes they ARE different.
Computers are funny things. I used my iPad to bring up the video down below earlier today. Jack just said "go to the middle of the video, this guy might vote". So I brought up the video (from main page) and watched Billy Joel sing his song. I thought Jack's comment was directed towards the lyrics of the song, and it wasn't until I read the comments that I realized there was another video about some skateboarder. I could link to the correct video from the page that had the comments, but Billy kept singing his song whenever I linked from the main page. Computers are funny things.
Posted by Harry | July 26, 2012 9:52 PM
I thought the post was hilarious at 10 am this morning. Still do.
Posted by Mike H | July 26, 2012 10:12 PM
The post was funny, but would have been even better if it had been on April 1st.
Posted by Richard | July 26, 2012 10:21 PM
I thought the original was hilarious precisely because it was almost believable. Really good satire makes you go back and read it again to make sure it isn't true.
Posted by Jack Roberts | July 30, 2012 10:11 AM