
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on July 20, 2012 9:40 AM. The previous post in this blog was Miss Oregon fiasco: How could it happen?. The next post in this blog is Zombie hotel deal being cooked up in Metro back room. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Friday, July 20, 2012

A matching gift for Josh Berger

Josh Berger, a much beloved Portland artist and designer, continues on a slow path to recovery from a serious brain injury suffered in an accident on his bicycle commute one day in May. His friends and co-workers have been collecting funds to help him and his small family get through his disability, and his expensive and grueling rehabilitation. So far they've collected close to $21,000, which is pretty impressive, toward a goal of $60,000.

Now comes another boost. Portland real estate developer Robert Ball is offering to match up to $5,000 in additional contributions to the Berger fund that come in between now and August 15. If the full match is made, they'll be over $30,000 and past the halfway point in their fundraising.

Ball's explanation of the thinking behind his gift is interesting. He's worked with Berger over the years, and he has grown to like and admire him. The other day Ball got a pitch from a campaign worker who asked him for $5,000 in exchange for having his photo taken with President Obama next week. Ball thought about it for a while, and concluded that the $5,000 would be better spent helping Berger get well. We couldn't agree more.

We're kind of tapped for funds these days, but we're throwing a few more dollars in the pot today. We don't know Berger, but we know the people who do, and we're following their lead. There's no tax benefit, just the reward of trying to help out. If you can, join us. No gift will be turned aside as too small. The donation site is here.

Comments (4)

Really cool!

Admirable, I guess, but why hold his contribution hostage to the altruism of others? I understand the concept of "matching funds" and why it's employed, but in this context it seems rather cruel.

I see it as not hostage holding but motivational.

And I really like the comparison to campaign contributions.
Barack and Mitt will spend 1.5 to 2 Billion, there are better things
to spend that money on, and this is one of them.

I know that Scam Adams and Bob Ball are really tight with one another, so it'll be interesting to see Adams' contribution. After all, he does want to implement a head-tax for Art.

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