
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on June 11, 2012 11:47 AM. The previous post in this blog was Here comes the hype for the Portland arts tax. The next post in this blog is God love the $2 million Oregon tax fraud suspect. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Monday, June 11, 2012

The only mitt here is leather

We're in the City of Bleugene today, on one of our annual summertime trips down this way for business. This time around, the town is all abuzz with college baseball, as it's hosting a "super regional" tournament that leads up to the College World Series. And the hometown Ducks are still alive, tied one game apiece with Kent State (yes, of "four dead in Ohio" fame). Oregon lost the first but won the second, and both games were thrillers. The third and deciding contest will take place today; at last report, it was to start at 1:00 this afternoon. The winner will be one of eight teams to advance to college's big diamond show. Already in that group are Florida, Florida State, Stony Brook, UCLA, and Arizona; the other two undecided contests are Baylor-Arkansas and South Carolina-Oklahoma.

Comments (4)

I think the game starts at 4:00 local time.

Yes, thanks -- the NCAA was trying to move it up to 1:00, but now it's showing as 4:00.

Bojack gave me my bar lecture in 2006. It was really good.

Dollar Phil is NOT happy.

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