
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on June 25, 2012 9:45 AM. The previous post in this blog was Questioning the Portland "food desert" hype . The next post in this blog is Another wheel comes off Vestas. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Monday, June 25, 2012

Sunday Parkways spreading to Clackistan

Should be a nice place for a bike ride, if it isn't too hot on August 19. Depending on the size of the cyclist crowd, it might even be a good route to walk that day.

Comments (7)

It's already spread. They had one of these in Beaverton on Sunday (6/24). Not sure what the route was but it crossed Scholls Ferry at Allen and I saw one of those reader boards in the middle of the overpass for 217 at Denney a few days before.

They mention that this is a family friendly activity. Since I'm not a "family"in the traditional sense does that mean I'm not welcome?

They mention that this is a family friendly activity. Since I'm not a "family" in the traditional sense does that mean I'm not welcome?

The bike celebration in Beaverton at Denny was for the grand opening of the new link of the Fanno Creek trail to the east. We biked it. Nice trail and a lot of water in Fanno due to all the recent rains.

The crowd at the PDX affair is decidedly more lively in costume and weirdness. Watching from the sidelines on someone's porch with a beverage in hand and a friend to make jokes about the riders with is a fund afternoon. But I can't see doing that in the 'burbs. Family friendly affairs are not the same - they're just about riding bikes.

I forgot to inquire about who pays for all of this fun? Do people have fun without someone organizing it into an event? Bring on the face painters!

Nolo, the "Creative Class" can't plan anything without the help of organizers, all their creativeness is used up.

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