
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on June 12, 2012 11:54 AM. The previous post in this blog was 33rd and Broadway apartment bunker resurrected. The next post in this blog is Advice to Obama: Stop telling us it's getting better. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Strapped Tri-Met to borrow a cool $111 million

The sleepy board of directors of Portland's troubled transit agency prepares to hock its future payroll tax revenue for the Mystery Train to Milwaukie, and some other things:

Portland Milwaukie Light Rail Project: $40 million
Bus, Rail and LIFT Communications System and Bus Transfer printer: $34 million
New Buses: $23 million
Ticket Vending Machine and Bus Farebox Upgrade: $6.7 million
WES Positive Train Control: $3 million
Maintenance of Way Central Facility: $3.3 million
Estimated Costs of Issuance: $1 million

The resolution authorizing the borrowing will go down tomorrow morning.

Comments (10)

Unfreaking believable these people are.

The find money for everything else but BUS SERVICE!

“For one to expect or ask things of others that he himself, if asked, would not be willing to do or give, is the worst kind of arrogance.”

Borrow, borrow, debt, debt and more debt until.......

I forgot to mention, they BLAME the union as the source for all their problems.

This post proves that is only one small piece of the much bigger crisis, the executives spend the tax dollars with impunity and with no accountability.

It was suggested to me that a voter initiative be started that would prohibit TRIMET from bonding without voter approval.

Right now that makes a lot of sense.

Al M - What you said makes too much sense. TriMet is deeply into denial.

What is this "cost of issuance?" Is it like a realtor's fee? Sounds like easy money for somebody.

What happens if the legislature reduces the payroll tax?


Upgrade = Degrade = TriMet bankruptcy = Downgrade.

What happens when they have to borrow just to run the buses, and of course, the trains?

I just hope that by the time the Pdx to LO streetcar is revived that the Feds and Trimet are out of money. AND I hope that LO doesn't promise that the city will foot the bill - we seem to be the patsies for every developer whim these days. It's so embarrassing. It's like watching a person who is desperate to be liked try to get a date. (Use your imagination.) Everyone involved is so invested in the deals that it suits them to be blind. Someone from the outside is going to have to put a halt to this addiction because the addict is not going to.

Hey, they don't have to pay it back, that's someone else's problem.

Of course, when it come to pay up time, we'll be told we need pay more new taxes or they'll have to shut down TriMet (or the schools or not fill potholes or fire police.)

On the TV news last night there was story on Spain and how the country is asking for a bailout. In one of the cities there was a fancy new light rail train that only operated when there was enough money to do so. Sounds like Trimet may be headed in that same direction.

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