
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on June 28, 2012 11:07 AM. The previous post in this blog was Another new tax idea for the Sam Rand Twins. The next post in this blog is Creepy gets a toaster. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Thursday, June 28, 2012

She doesn't like Randy's "tone"

The Portland city auditor has a curious message for the city fire bureau's management regarding the obscene amount of overtime that firefighters chow down on every year:

Good stewardship of public funds is more likely to occur in an environment where the "tone at the top" about the use of extra pay is strongly stated, and is effectively and regularly communicated through the ranks. This tone should reflect management's commitment to its public safety mission, but also to safeguarding public resources. In all cases, the culture of a public agency should be rooted in providing service to the community as efficiently and effectively as possible. While procedures for authorization and proper use are important, employees should have a clear understanding of management's mindset on resource management, especially in cases where extra pay is available.

They need to know the Admiral's "mindset"? That may be a challenge.

The whole, odd report is here.

Comments (12)

At the rate she keeps prying at what's under the rocks, I'm surprised she still has the job.

Thankfully she's elected.

Randy's tone: Sirens, bells and the sounds of a chins shop being broken up with nothing of substance to contribute while being on the take.

She must be the first portland city auditor to audit.

Correcting the typo:

Randy's tone: Sirens, bells and the sounds of a china shop being broken up with nothing of substance to contribute while being on the take.

"safeguard public resources" - that is a good one. Basically, the powerful around here are raping the lowly working stiffs at every turn and somehow people convince themselves that it is all helping poor people, under-served people and minorities. Nope - just more people on the public payroll laughing all the way to the bank. There are the 1%, the people stealing from the taxpayer's pocket and all the rest of us.

Everyday I think about how I can out of here. The city is a total joke and the locals just seem to want to keep getting screwed.

It will be interesting to see how much Randy gets per month from PERS etc. after 30 years at the trough - and I think he'll be collecting from three pots (State, Fire and City.) He might be up there with Mr. Belotti.

Once in a while, tough critics get to stay on, for entertainment purposes I guess. Nothing the auditor says will change Randy's financial situation. We gadflies seem to be the only ones who hold the auditor's moxie in awe, for now.

Why hasn't the auditor run for Mayor? I think I may write her in this fall.

I'll give her credit she's light years ahead of the guy she replaced. All he did was justify stupid ideas. She at least is calling things as she sees it.

You need to repost that uncomfortable picture she did with Randy when she got elected.

Unfortunately, one sane person in the asylum does little to raise the average IQ.

Why does Portland even bother having a city auditor? Nobody at city hall pays any attention to her.

Ms. Griffin-Valade looks so young to have such an old fashioned view of government:
"...the culture of a public agency should be rooted in providing service to the community as efficiently and effectively as possible."

Auditors like Griffin-Valade and a very few bloggers are the only reason I still have some hope left. Not much but some.

This tells me everything I need to know about Randy's tone:


Way to listen to the community, Commissioner. Nice example of following your own ordinances too. Enjoy your three taxpayer-funded pensions.

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