
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on June 22, 2012 7:48 AM. The previous post in this blog was Party in South Beach. The next post in this blog is Char-Lie Hales busted again. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Friday, June 22, 2012

Portland summer

Wasn't it great?

Comments (13)

Seems like every year I hear fellow Portlanders complaining about our Junes but any long-timer should know our summer starts the day after the 4th and runs til about mid September. June is just an extended spring.

Just one more reason why we're glad we live in Nevada now..


If brown desert, 100+ degree days, nuclear radiation, and chain- smoking blue haired junkies playing slots at the grocery store were on my desirables list, Nevada would be up there.

I'll take some delayed satisfaction for the beautiful summer that awaits. Not a better summer anywhere than summer in the NW....whenever it decides to arrive.

Since I stopped gardening around the early 90's it's hard for me to guage the Portland Summer. Always put the garden in Memorial Day Weekend and if it was a good June I remember "Corn was knee high by 4th of July". It was also a good June if the cukes were doing well and not croaking over night or covered in mold. First 'Early Girl' tomatoes in July also meant a nice June. Another good indicator was the condition of the local Strawberry crop. September was always my favorite month in Portland, and fall really didn't hit until after mid October.

It's often like this. Spring is a big tease until July 5th, when it abruptly switches to heat wave for awhile before easing back off, as if the weather had a cruel sense of humor.

Gee Tom,
The stopping gardening part sounded good! This year we officially stopped kitchen gardening, except for the culinary herbs in pots. The professional vegetable gardeners need the business. The raised beds have all been turned over to the planting of the biggest color riot of flowers I could pay my resident college student to plant. When he leaves, I will stop gardening altogether. Who needs food when there's color? And who needs sun and warmth when it interferes with planting kamikaze color in June?

Raleigh: We live in northern Nevada, just one 100 degree day so far this year. It's sunny and about 70 right now; and we've seen enough trees to last us a liftime. Enjoy your liquid sunshine!

Dave A:

Do you have room for one more native Oregonian in N. Nevada?

I have HAD it with high taxes, yuppie puppies, having to fight local government at every turn, traffic jams and rain.

Right behind you, bro.

I've said for years that good weather doesn't start until after the 4th of July. It's about odds on getting rain, sunshing or both for the 4th.

110 degrees regularly and several 114 lately in Palm Desert.
Sunny Blue skies, gorgeous green golf course, magnificent evening gold glow, with silhouetted Palm trees and mountains. Shorts and sandals, add a little bling. 1300 restaurants, It's the good life!

We'll be back to Oregon after the July 4th weather break.

ltjd: Yes - we have plenty of room for more Nevada residents. You will save a small bundle in taxes after you move here. No state income or estate taxes..

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