Ninth Circuit catching Fox News heat for Hawaii confab
The last time we checked, Hawaii was a state, and in the Ninth Circuit. But the toupees from places like Iowa and Alabama don't think it's right for the circuit's judges to go there for a conference, ever. Gee, maybe New York or San Francisco would be cheaper.
Comments (7)
Same toupees who believe all vaginas MUST be regulated.
Posted by phil | June 25, 2012 7:11 AM
This event could have been held just as easily at Lake Tahoe; with travel expenses being about half or less for most who will attend.
Posted by Dave A. | June 25, 2012 7:58 AM
Yes, Lake Tahoe, or perhaps Fresno, or any of the many choices for an economical conference. The court is steward of our tax money, and has an obligation to spend money carefully. There's no compelling reason for choosing a vacation destination. I hear that Stockton could use a cash infusion.
Further, maybe a connection to the little people - you know, the 99% - might have an eye-opening side benefit?
Posted by annoyed | June 25, 2012 9:02 AM
Gee, I know that the Nines have done the annual Circuit Judicial Conference on various occasions over since 1980 at Sun Valley; at Palm Springs; at the Biltmore in where ever it is Arizona; at Lake Tahoe; at the Del Coronado in Coronado; and at Lake Chelan. I don't recall them ever coming to Oregon, and Guam is definately out of the running.
Jack, didn't Circuit Court Judge's Judicial clerks get to go?
Posted by Nonny Mouse | June 25, 2012 11:20 AM
"catching FUX News heat," Jack. You misspelled 'bleat'.
But it reminds one of the newest self-defeating idiocy going on with fascist radio & TV propaganda. In earlier times Rash Lamebrain and his copycat Loser liars (like FOXettes) told about 'seminar callers' in their programming. The victim-mentality paranoids on-air made up the myth that normal people were meeting in secret motel conferences to discuss, plan and coordinate calling in to hateradio programming and bringing truth and facts in order to prove Lamebrainers are liars.
The current hot-air pukes offer the opposite: Instead of pushing back, robotic sycophant callers now pull the host liars farther and farther extending and exaggerating agreement in the irrational way the host is headed.
For example, if the lying host says 75% of the population is conservative, then callers pull the lie toward 90%. Whatever the host says the callers effusively say more, bigger, worse.
Until the topic and its hatetalk goes over the edge and collapses of its overweight.
Like when the Road Runner, not barricading the front door of the canyon-edge cabin, instead opens it wider so blind-rage Wile E. Coyote charges right thru, out the far door, into empty oblivion and a rapid fall from the acme.
So, y'know, why stop at Hawaii? Surely FUX News can tell that the 'vacated' Court is really going all the way to Thailand. ... because we all (95%) know what's in Bangkok stays in Bangkok.
(P.S. Media Matters .org daily documents the flame-brain overheated lies of liars on-air: e.g., June 25, 2012 12:36 pm ET by Justin Berrier - Fox News reacted to news that the Supreme Court struck down most of Arizona's controversial immigration bill, SB 1070, by citing arguments that the one provision [left unruled] ... was a "defeat for Obama.")
Posted by Tenskwatawa | June 25, 2012 11:43 AM
Calm down, Tensk - you were doing so well for a while, there.
Posted by Max | June 25, 2012 2:53 PM
Under that logic, Hawaii shouldn't even be a U.S. state. Or Guam, or the Northern Mariana Islands should not be territories; or the loosely affiliated countries like Palau - all of whom receive a lot of federal tax dollars, but don't pay anything in return (Guam residents pay federal income taxes but they are collected and retained locally.) about Alaska? I don't see Fox News complaining about the waste that is Sarah Palin's home state...
Posted by Erik H. | June 25, 2012 5:42 PM