
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on June 11, 2012 4:58 PM. The previous post in this blog was Reader poll: Who will be the NBA champs?. The next post in this blog is Farewell, Mr. Drucker. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Monday, June 11, 2012

Don't know if it's day or night

In Wuhan, China, it's a yellow haze, all in their eyes. The government says it's field burning. Maybe.

Comments (6)

Looks as the same greenish-yellow cloud layer that once (1970) hung over the Willamette Valley and that didn't include any grass smoke.

What did that one turn out to be?

It was not an event as it was constant and mostly caused by our motor vehicles. You could see the layer from atop the coast range or as you flew in or out of PDX. The field burning added to the ugly mess and even caused huge and fiery pile-ups on I-5. Lots of folks died. Those were the days.

So THAT's what they mean by "jobs vs. the environment!" *cough cough*

Looks like San Bernadino to me.

Maybe building a new coal fired electric plan every 30 days wasn't such a great idea?

Fortunately for us, our electric cars run on unicorn droppings and 4 color Metro Surveys.

The Yellow Haze from China is a yearly issue in China and it even blows over into Korea. It's been happening for a long time. I asked my Korean friend and he said it was 'pollution'. As if that is an explanation.

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