A sixth mugshot for the Ashley scrapbook

Here's the booking photo of the fifth alleged accomplice in the fatal hit-and-run-and-run case involving the allegedly drunken fan driving home from the Timbers game. It belongs to a fellow named Jose A. Torres. Unlike the alleged driver herself, Jose had time to clean up nicely for the camera before turning himself in. The Sam Adams glasses are a keen grooming statement.
Comments (7)
He went to Binyon's and Supercuts before turning himself in. Shaving was a nice touch. Surprised he didn't smile.
Posted by reader | June 14, 2012 9:07 PM
Geez I wonder how many people she drug down with her?
Jack I really hate the false choices provided in these situations. Probably people that read your blog don't quite comprehend, and perhaps I'm reading too much into it. But if these people are anything like 'my people' they fear the government. Loyalty to one's own runs deep, very deep. Easily deep enough to hide bodies.
In that sort of culture, if a person screws up, maybe butters up the story a bit, they can take advantage of loyalty and get everyone hung. Pretty young girl to boot. The worst!
Everybody pitches in to help. To not do so paints you as a traitor, a coward. Probably didn't even occur to most of these guys that NOT helping was an option. 'The man' is coming, like you always knew the would, so who are you? The dependable one who goes down guns blazing or the coward who skulks away in the night?
These 'helpers' are going to pay the price. Especially now with the media storm. I'm sure the DA is pulling out the big guns on this case. As he should, it's a huge publicity issue now. Yeah, they'll pay. And pay gladly. They have credibility now. Loyalty proven. Trust achieved.
That is, if these people are anything like my people. ;-)
Posted by Jo | June 15, 2012 12:12 AM
Dude, who are "your people?" And, do they do any side work?
Posted by Brendan | June 15, 2012 10:27 AM
Really. All I can think is that "my people" must be that large group of humanity whose main kicks derive from drinking, drugs, and the attendant obscuring of reality.
Posted by Gaye Harris | June 15, 2012 1:44 PM
Gaye you are a horrible poster. Consistently. Really.
My people are mostly Mormons. So there goes your idiotic drug theory. The same 'stick together' attitude is prevalent in any historically oppressed group. Perhaps the privileged, bloated, white suburban types wouldn't get it, but many Americans know exactly what I'm talking about.
From my uncles that make moonshine to my cousins that grow weed, to my Native American grandfather and all my Mexican friends out here in Eastern Oregon. They all have the same attitude. I'm sure the same attitude is common in inner city black neighborhoods as well.
Fear the man. Stick together.
Posted by Jo | June 15, 2012 8:39 PM
Brendan - Lol it's not really a profession. You don't have any uncles or cousins that would hide you from the government? You don't know any illegal immigrants that know how to fake ID's so you can disappear somewhere but still work?
Posted by Jo | June 15, 2012 8:45 PM
Jo - Lol I was just kidding, you sound pretty cool. And, you are spot on: Gaye is a consistently horrible poster!
Posted by Brendan | June 18, 2012 10:14 AM