
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on June 7, 2012 4:30 PM. The previous post in this blog was Portland parks can't tell a deer from an elk?. The next post in this blog is Tonight's essay topic. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Thursday, June 7, 2012

A family in need

Joshua Berger, a well known artist and designer in Portland, took a header off his bicycle on his daily commute in southeast Portland a few weeks ago. There were reportedly no other bikes or vehicles involved. Although he was wearing a helmet, he suffered serious traumatic brain injury and has been in the hospital ever since the accident:

In these remarkable two and a half weeks, Josh has gone from being unconscious, with a breathing tube, IV, and expanding contusion in his brain to talking with a large vocabulary, feeding himself, sitting in a wheelchair, and reading. As the brain rewires its connections, some thinking gets confused, and there is physical discomfort and restlessness. The doctors say this is normal for a frontal lobe TBI recovery.

Josh started off in the trauma ICU at OHSU and is now in an acute rehabilitation ward at Providence hospital. Things appear to be moving ahead well, but timelines are difficult with brain injuries.... He’s in occupational therapy, physical therapy, and speech-language pathology therapies, regaining physical skills, cognitive abilities, and learning how to navigate basic life necessities given his new circumstances.

When he goes home, which won't be for a while yet, he'll need 24-hour professional care, and there is no insurance to cover it. His friends have set up a fundraising page here, and they've asked me to ask you to contribute. Why give money to help somebody you don't know? Because they need it.

Let's not use this space just now to grouse about Portland's crazy bicycle mania. Please head over there and join me in trying to support what from all accounts is a good man and his loved ones.

Comments (11)

You won't hear me complain, and I'm chipping in. His wife Tiffany was one of the first people to welcome me to Portland when I moved there (and a real "Good to meet you" welcome, not the passive-aggressive "You aren't planning to stay, are you?" that I'd encountered before then), and I owe her and her family.

I really heart you Bojack. You're a mensch!

$ sent

His family could apply for Medicaid for him, at Aging and Disability Services if he lives in MultCo.

He can Isaak, and should. The process is very long and drawn out, even in obvious cases. It's actually disability and medicare he'll apply for, and they'll route him to SSI/Medicaid should he not have made enough money to qualify.

I applied Dec 3, 2011, heard back on April 13, 2012. 4+ months. But my case is non-obvious.

Well done Jack, well said.

I'd add, to Jo's comment, that it's always useful to keep in close contact with the local office of one of your US Senators, as they have constituent caseworkers whose job it is to help constituents navigate the intricate web that is the federal government. I've done that job at the congressional level. Those folks should give Wyden's PDX office a call and say that they need his disability paperwork expedited. (Once it is filed, of course.)

And, Jack, good work posting this. Hope he gets all the help he needs.

The SSDI process is fairly easy in obvious cases, it just isn't quick. He will be eligible for Medicare 24 months after he is "disabled" which for me was about 5 months after I got sick. There may have been some retroactive payments.

I see in the photo that a toddler is sitting on the hospital floor. Not a good idea. In one area hospital that has a stellar reputation for care, my mother's room was not cleaned for over a week until I complained - more than once. You could not imagine what was on the floor! Bring your own floor mat and wash it when you go home each day, or get a babysitter. Hospital infections are not to be fooled with. Hope Joshua Berger is recuperating and will be himself soon.

I agree with Nolo about hospital germs. I was always amazed they would let you wear street shoes into the ICU.

That said, the photo of injured man's child sitting on the floor, no doubt hoping with all his little heart that his dad gets better, is heart wrenching.

Those of us with young kids should be extra vigilant about our safety when using any form of transportation. It's a tough reminder of why we all need health/disability/life insurance if we can afford it (not a snark: I have great empathy for the uninsured).

Friends don't let friend.... Go thru life without life insurance or long term care insurance. This is just another example of how it would come in handy.
Call you insurance agent today and get even the cheapest coverage available! You're family and friends will thank you.

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