
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on June 12, 2012 7:57 AM. The previous post in this blog was Vestas stock drops to $5. The next post in this blog is Ashley's new look. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Tuesday, June 12, 2012

800-plus known gang members in Portland

There's a glitch in this news story so that it omits the name of the speaker, but it almost doesn't matter who said it:

"We have over 800 documented gang members in the city and we can't arrest all of them. It's going to be about changing mindsets."

Comments (9)

Isn't everything in Portland these days about "changing mindsets"? I wouldn't be surprised if PSU, Metro, and CoP didn't already have a behavioral modification plan all worked out for it.

It's going to be about changing mindsets. Once one or two lawmakers get their kids shot, the set will change its mind.

The most needed mindset changing or behavioral modification is with the gang running city hall.
There are no mysteries or unsolvables with the crime issue.

If public safety were the priority it should be resources would be allocated with the right proportionality.

Unfortunatley, Portland has long devalued public safety in preference for the other stuff frequently lampooned here at bojack.

It's the same mindset that stacks up massive UR debt that devours 26 cents of every property tax dollar in Porltand leaving essential services in perpetual fiscal crisis.

It's so bad in Portland they are abusing UR at new levels with the education UR district and borrowing for PMLR in SoWa with no real increment available for the borrowing capacity or debt service.


All UR here:

I see no signs of any mindset shift towards resetting priorities.

Only where officials are forced while kicking & screaming is there any change.
That would be Clackamas County where the populous crushed the Urban Renewal racket and the Sheriff is pushing back against the Boondoggle Brigade.

While incumbent commissioner candidates Lehan and Damon press for more of the same Portland methods that include the devaluing of public safety.
They've become as brazen as Sam Adams as they recklessly try and convert decades of public safety funding into light rail funds.

Voters will be crushing them again in Sept and November.

800 gang members? That isn't a problem - that's a redevelopment opportunity. Just think, we could build a whole new housing complex with ground-level retail space that caters to this culture. And put it next to the MAX line to encourage them not to drive their typically older, modified, more polluting vehicles and instead use MAX which will encourage social interaction with others.

Mind Set, Match...

Heading back in time real fast,

Watch the "The Gangs of New York" for a preview.

Portland has a plan for this. It's simply to transition from:

"800 gang members in Portland" to:

"800 gang members in East Portland and Gresham"

Out of sight, out of mind. The transition has actually been coming along quite well.

Haha Snards, funny and true at the same time. Hillsboro also would have been accepted by the judges.

Sort of explains the mania for condo bunkers they will never be able to sell...
You turn them into section 8 housing and rent to the gang member's baby momma's...

Unfortunately, the "mindsets" they will change are not of the gang members. Its everyone else who sees them as a problem.

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