
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on May 22, 2012 11:27 AM. The previous post in this blog was U of O secession pitch ramping up again. The next post in this blog is More turnover in Portland City Hall money ranks. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Train kept a-rollin'

Wonder if anybody asked this guy about this.

Comments (16)

"Rose" colored glasses are issued to all visiting "dignitaries" in Portlandia.
I guess the city is still called the "City of Roses"?

"City of Roses" for visitors.
"City of Thorns" for residents.

"Rogoff believes many if not most Clackamas County residents want the line, however."

They just need to be "educated". Obviously, this calls for more public meetings. Just bring in some horn-rimmed planners who wouldn't ever step foot in Milwaukie in their off hours to set the locals straight.

The FED's are the MASTERS of government waste and uselessness to the citizenry.

Coming soon to Clackistan...re-education camps?

When the locals won't go along with plans, call in the Feds!
How does that suit everyone?
Heaven help us. Have we no rights anymore about where we live,
how we must travel, what we must eat and drink, what we must pay?

Runaway train never going back
Wrong way on a one way track
Seems like I should be getting somewhere
Somehow I'm neither here nor there.
- Soul Asylum

From the summary:

The transportation system, family conditions or relocation, and recruitment at schools were perceived by officers interviewed as the strongest contributors to the growth of gangs in their area...

Intelligence Gaps

Known information regarding gang activity in the County is mostly anecdotal. Until gang data documentation/reporting issues are resolved and more accurate data is generated, ability to accurately evaluate the level of threat in the County will remain poor.

Emphasis mine.

When an entire section of your summary basically says "we don't know what we're talking about", then your findings may be suspect. This Clackastani remains skeptical.

I'm sure he was shown the results of "surveys" indicating that the vast majority of Clackamas County residents eagerly look forward to the savings in time and money that light raill brings commuting to and from their jobs in downtown Portland and to the rezoning of their neighborhoods into myriads of condo/bike mini-villages.

With current events the following is entirely appropriate...

Let me tell you the story
Of a man named Charlie
On a tragic and fateful day
He put ten cents in his pocket,
Kissed his wife and family
Went to ride on the MTA

Charlie handed in his dime
At the Kendall Square Station
And he changed for Jamaica Plain
When he got there the conductor told him,
"One more nickel."
Charlie could not get off that train.

Did he ever return,
No he never returned
And his fate is still unlearn'd
He may ride forever
'neath the streets of Boston
He's the man who never returned.

Now all night long
Charlie rides through the tunnels
the station
Saying, "What will become of me?
How can I afford to see
My sister in Chelsea
Or my cousin in Roxbury?"

Charlie's wife goes down
To the Scollay Square station
Every day at quarter past two
And through the open window
She hands Charlie a sandwich
As the train comes rumblin' through.

As his train rolled on
underneath Greater Boston
Charlie looked around and sighed:
"Well, I'm sore and disgusted
And I'm absolutely busted;
I guess this is my last long ride."
{this entire verse was replaced by a banjo solo}

Now you citizens of Boston,
Don't you think it's a scandal
That the people have to pay and pay
Vote for Walter A. O'Brien
Fight the fare increase!
And fight the fare increase
Vote for George O'Brien!
Get poor Charlie off the MTA.

Or else he'll never return,
No he'll never return
And his fate will be unlearned
He may ride forever
'neath the streets of Boston
He's the man (Who's the man)
He's the man who never returned.
He's the man (Oh, the man)
He's the man who never returned.
He's the man who never returned.

I want to know why Joe Robertson, Peter "Down the Toilet" Kohler's replacement as OHSU President, is in the picture with all those dipships.

Well godfry,
OHSU gave TriMet a piece of land in SoWa for PMLR.

TriMet inflated the value to a $15 million in-kind contribution to the local match in order to help fill the PMLR funding hole and get a $15 million federal match.

TriMet in return for OHSU's "generosity" agreed to donate $10 million from the PLMR funding pot to the OHSU/PSU SoWa Life Sciences Collaborative Complex.

Is that all very humorous how they moosh up all the money and make ship happen?

Fun fact: the infamous proposed "Bridge To Nowhere" in Alaska was only projected to cost $398 million . . . that won't even get you 2 miles of PMLR. Just absolutely ridiculous.

And, the federal guy repeated the mantra about a million people movjng here in the next 20 years. Say it often enough. . .

Someone ought to write a song about the "Mantra of a Million."

Well, there's the "100 Bottles of Beer" song. Just change it to "$100 Million on Sam's Desk, take one down, pass it around, there's $99 Million..."

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