
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on May 23, 2012 11:49 AM. The previous post in this blog was Breaking news: Kate Brown is for the children. The next post in this blog is Motorists beat back toll road plan. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Technology marches on

Social networking has just turned another page.

Comments (4)

I dunno. That report was two years ago and it just hasn't caught on.

Next thing you know they'll be putting phones in little glass cubicles on every street corner and charging a quarter to use them!

Hey! A phone in a box....combine that with a loo in a box and we could have a phloo on every corner.

Randy could build them and demonstrate how to make a call while sitting on the phloo....

And it could include the Phonebook social network.

Where do I sign up for stock?

Next thing you'll know is that some entrepreneurs might slice and dice the phonebook data to extract the business and services entries, and organize them into specialized regional directories. They'll also offer options to the businesses to embolden or highlight their names and numbers for a small fee.

To identify these special business phonebooks, they might even use bright colors so they can be easily be identified. I hear that yellow is a color that might make them standout.

Then they'll print them up and deliver to the doorsteps and driveways in each of the various towns and cities as a convenience to those who might want to use those business services.

Perhaps if costs of these new phone books rise in the future, some other technology might be developed to present that information over the intertubes.

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