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May 18, 2012 6:48 AM.
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Do the right thing.
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Comments (12)
Following a movie outing downtown last night we went to a great restaurant next door for a lite dinner. Just as I took my last bite one of Stenchy's little friends (a mouse)scurried past our table legs and into the kitchen.
I'm pretty sure there are more rodents around than any of us would like to believe. It made me wonder how many might have been crawling around my feet on the popcorn/snack laden floor of the movie theater.
My arm is still sore from the woman seated to my left who out a death grip on my shoulder during the sighting. Actually, it was more entertaining than the film.
Posted by Gibby | May 18, 2012 7:26 AM
That would have been my catch phrase had I ran for Mayor.
Posted by Bill Long | May 18, 2012 7:30 AM
Yeah, I had a similar encounter last night when I was dumping the compost bucket, too. For two years, nothing other than soldier flies, which I actively welcome. Now, six of the little vermin. I think I'm going to have to buy me a mousetrap.
Posted by Texas Triffid Ranch | May 18, 2012 7:55 AM
We've got two great cats.
Posted by Jack Bog | May 18, 2012 8:00 AM
Good thing you don't live in the Pearl, Jack. The rats there are the size of your cats! I have seen them! Even our lil' pal Stenchy would be intimidated.
Posted by Portland Native | May 18, 2012 8:55 AM
Vector control, specifically including rats, was one of the major 19th century breakthroughs in public health, finally stopping the rampant spread of all manner of contagious diseases, after centuries of various plagues. But all it took was Sam Adams and the rest of the dummycrat nimrods the "keep Portland weird" crowd keep sending to city hall to begin unraveling one of civilization's major advances. And it only took a few months to get it done! Thanks Portland voters! Keep up the good work.
Posted by boycat | May 18, 2012 9:29 AM
Rats, rats, and more rats; in and out of City Hall!
Posted by Portland Native | May 18, 2012 10:50 AM
It's right out of the progressive playbook. I love this explanation from Mike at Cold Fury:
"The people who rule us with an iron fist, governing against the clearly-expressed will of the people as often as not, are “public servants.” Fossil fuels, of which America has more than any other nation in the world, are “unsustainable,” while unworkable and expensive alternatives like solar and electric cars are what we should be relying on instead. Windmills, which date back to the 15th century or thereabouts, are the way of the future. Just as “progressive” ideas, which have been toxifying the body politic for more than a hundred years now and were not only precursors to fascism (now assumed to be a “right-wing” phenomenon, even though it was implemented and advocated mostly by left-wingers) but representative of some of the worst instincts of the feudal era, are “new” and “forward-thinking” and…well, progressive."
Posted by Molly | May 18, 2012 11:02 AM
That's not a rat! That's a fine example of Portland's 'urban wildlife' and somebody or someone's pet murdered the poor, harmless creature. Somebody call PETA.
Posted by Mr. Grumpy | May 18, 2012 11:29 AM
All part of our "Central Planning", Stenchy.
Now we need to discuss which bureau shall issue the permits and collect the fees for "rodent hunting permits" as well as the fines associated with hunting rodents WITHOUT a permit.
Enabling rules will be forthcoming.
Oh, we're going to have to do some "emergency hiring" now.
(This is NOT a TAX !)
Posted by ltjd | May 18, 2012 11:48 AM
I don't think Jeff Cogen should ever be elected to any office again. A sell out for the downtown URA, a sell out on the health of the community? I haven't heard a word yet that he will do anything about this garbage/rat/disease problem? What are his plans in this regard or is he just another go along to get along career politician?
Posted by clinamen | May 18, 2012 1:54 PM
When we have fools making decisions for us, this is what we get.
Excerpts about the problems:
“A certain number of people are running out of room in their garbage bin and placing it in their not quite full recycling bin,” explained Ristau.
Included in that garbage is a concerning amount of dirty diapers. Ristau says the diapers are not only costly to dispose of, they actually pose a health risk to plant workers who have to pick them out.
Far West Fiber’s Northeast Portland plant went from seeing one diaper every couple of months to sorting through 120 pounds a day.
What about that meat in our yard debris? When will we find out what a no no that is and what problems might result if put on our agricultural lands?
Posted by clinamen | May 18, 2012 9:58 PM