
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on May 19, 2012 1:38 PM. The previous post in this blog was Feds say you have constitutional right to record cops. The next post in this blog is White trash (or is it beige) from the 'Couv. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

E-mail, Feeds, 'n' Stuff

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Nothing says romance like a hospital waiting room

Here's a two-fer that we'll pass on.

Comments (11)

I didn't know that "a Grateful Dead jam" length was a standardized time measurement.

I didn't know that there was an "average" Grateful Dead jam, either.

It's tourist season, and what better way to view the city, than from the tram (rim shot!) to OHSU's ER.
Iconic too

"Riding an aerial tram is an exhilarating way to enjoy bird's-eye views of the city without sucking on a helium tank until you get really big and drift away."

Really?!? Given that a young lady recently died from inhaling helium, this is beyond crass.

Of course ... It's all part of Get to Know the Tram Month.

"Riding an aerial tram is an exhilarating way to enjoy bird's-eye views of the city without sucking on a helium tank until you get really big and drift away."

The person who writes the gag-a-licious copy at the Bus Project must be moonlighting.

They might also have a drawing for a Colonoscopy to sweeten the deal or a free prostrate exam for the guys.

"breathtaking views of Portland"

I've never been on it but what could possibly be "breathtaking" about it?

It can't be any better view than from any number of places on the west hills or from the City Grill.
I wouldn't call any of them breathtaking.

"tram passengers rise 500 feet into the air by the Cascade Mountains..."

Seriously? "By" the "Cascade Mountains?" Exaggerate much?

"traveling from its terminal in the city to the Kohler Pavilion on OHSU's campus."

Wouldn't a tourist assume "in the city" means from the downtown core?

Talk about having to resort to blatantly misleading descriptions to promote this total waste of public dollars (but very generous gift to OHSU and Homer Williams) to out-of-towners! For more of the same, be sure to vote for Charlie Hales.

This is a transportation related Groupon???

I thought the City frowned on using Groupons for transportation related rides??

(See articles about Limos and groupons!)

Well, what is good for one isn't good for the other.

Petty, I know, but dontcha' just love the graphics?

If "Groupon, the retching cat" does not give the right tone, the photoimagery does. Not even well Photoshopped, it looks more like a bad Microsoft Paint composition. There's more fluff packed in there than the cheesiest Leni Riefenstahl clip. I'll start a "Where's Waldo rumor" that you can Ron Wyden find in that crowd... um, er, there's no people. No people, just abandoned bikes. Wow, how post apocalyptic!

So there isn't a bike parking lot in front of the tram?

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