
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on May 7, 2012 4:42 PM. The previous post in this blog was New York bike share prices almost as high as a cab. The next post in this blog is Another nice little corner of Portland, trashed. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Monday, May 7, 2012

Nolan-Fritz may go all summer

According to this poll, the Portland City Council race between Nurse Amanda and the Goldschmidt Party candidate is pretty much even. The closer they are to each other, the more likely that they'll be forced into a runoff. All told, there are five candidates on the ballot.

We don't like either of the leading contenders, and so rather than hold our nose and give one our vote, we are going with Bruce Altizer, who seems like a common-sense guy.

In the mayor's race, the pollsters say that phony baloney Jeffer-Sam Smith has wangled his way into a three-way tie, with Char-Lie Hales now running slightly behind Smith and Founder Brady. If Hales got eliminated in May, that would be quite humorous, but we still think it will be he against Brady in November. We are voting for Scott Fernandez, a far superior choice to any of the "Big 3."

What do readers think about where this is all heading? We're asking for your predictions, not your preferences:

How will the Portland City Council election for Amanda Fritz's seat come out?
pollcode.com free polls 

What will be the result of the Portland mayoral primary?
pollcode.com free polls 

Comments (5)

I was weeding down by the mailbox Saturday, and there was a god-awful stench. Sniffing around, I determined that it was coming from the box. I figured that maybe my eccentric neighbor from across the street had mistaken it for a Sammy Slop-Bucket, so went up to the house, got the key, and unlocked the box. And there it was: a glossy missive from Nolan.

"If you wonder what Mary Nolan will do to Portland..." it began - no, wait, that's "for Portland". My bad. She can't even smile convincingly.

Some other outcome PLLLEEEEZZZZZEEEEE for the Love of God some other outcome.

I tried to fill out my ballot this weekend. Just depressing. Couldn't decide among the terrible status quo choices and had to put it aside

Maybe medical marijuana would help with election pain?

Meh, Nolan will win, so I will vote for her

Who knows about the mayors race, Brady seems like an especially big loser though.

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