
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on May 15, 2012 10:15 PM. The previous post in this blog was Worth 1,000 words. The next post in this blog is Portland voters send important messages. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Brady's last 15 minutes?

There'll be a new round of election result numbers from Multnomah County in about that amount of time, and barring a miracle, Eileen Brady will call Jeffer-Sam Smith at that point and concede. She's already congratulated Condo Charlie.

UPDATE, 10:41 p.m.: The new numbers have her down by around 4,000 votes. She's done. Smith killed her candidacy. It will be interesting to see whom she endorses in the general, but we'd bet it will be Hales.

UPDATE, 11:14 p.m.: She has conceded, although as usual, Jeffer-Sam had a little problem giving a straight story. He told KGW minutes ago that she agreed to wait until morning to do so.

Comments (8)

Wow!!! Take your pick folks...a liar/tax cheat/voter fraud artist of the highest order who lays in bed all day long with the rail mafia, or a Harvard Law guy who has never done an honest days work in his entire life who lies bed all day long with the public employee unions, who also can't show up in court or pay his bar dues on time. It's a very, very, very sad day in P-Town, but not at all surprising. Move now while you still have a fighting chance!

It's pretty obvious that Portland will never change. Even when the financial unwinding comes, the machines will continue to control the place. It's Chicago now, through and through.

KPTV/Hibbits just called the #2 spot for Smith. Regardless of who wins in the general, the acronym BOHICA comes to mind.

Say what you want about Tre Arrow (I frequently do), but he's very candid and up-front about his desire to redistribute your wealth to all of his buddies.

These "respectable" politicians will never admit (even to themselves) that they want to do many of the same things that the crazy clown candidate promises to enact.

Pretty depressing, not that I was expecting a different outcome. Really, I can't see how continuing to live in Portland proper is a winning proposition for anyone. The money the city owes, combined with a relentless stream of weird and expensive ideas, means inevitably property owners are going to be hit harder than ever.

Another sad night for stumptown as "pipedream" chasing Jefferson Smith will go up against streetcar Charle. Jefferson Smith actually has the edge because he is more juvenile in his governance style than Hales. This appeals to the pro-government forces at the likes of PSU, constituted by the young voter who has little life experiences but filled with a whole lot of progressive cliche ivory tower teachings. This army tends to show up only when there are more high profile races like the presidency this coming November. So, bigger turnout this November favors maybe slightly Smith over Hales.

Same-o-same-o. Look where that's gotten the state of California, a Mountain of debt and much poorer economic performance.

If I had to bet right now, it would definitely be on Smith. He's perfect for the Portland voter, who thinks weird is great. There's no hope of anything around here ever changing.

Having grown up in the Realm of King Richard J. Daley, I find the parallels between Portland/Oregon and Chicago/Illinois simply amazing. The corrosion in both cases emanates from the state's largest city and oozes its way down to the capital. I sure miss Mildred.

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