
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on May 8, 2012 5:42 PM. The previous post in this blog was Even "Onward Oregon" hates new Portland "urban renewal" scam. The next post in this blog is Tokyo Electric is nationalized. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Another mixed-use flop in Washington County

A real dud in downtown Hillsboro. But it's gonna happen with The Don in Beaverton. You just watch.

Comments (7)

Rent's pretty high for apartments in Washington County. You can rent a 1700 square foot house for less.

I can see someone wanting to pay that sort of money to live in a place like the Pearl, where there are lots of urban amenities nearby. Perhaps many readers here aren't interested, but plenty of people like urban living.

But downtown Hillsboro is not downtown Portland, and the MAX line--useful as it is--isn't a sufficiently valuable amenity by itself to command the rents the place was trying to charge. There's plenty of bigger, cheaper apartments (nice ones) along MAX that can be yours for the taking.

you just have to laugh at all this.....

There's apartments along light rail? Wow!
Will there soon be a bunch on McLoughlin?
That's great. Will the local community get to vote on the plans for those?
Read the story.
Light rail is an eye sore and deterrent to.

It's not a dud, there just hasn't been enough public resources wasted on it yet. Besides, it's probably just a sign of things to come for Washington County residents. They'd better appreciate affordability and livability while they have it. Portland Creep is hungry for a new host and is starting to spread.

OH for heavens sake. It's failure on steroids.

Another parcel along MAX had been designated market rate housing. After it sat for years the city changed the zoning to allow a parking garage.

In 2010 Hillsboro adopted a, 1100 acre Urban Renewal Plan to try and pump life into what MAX has been killing.


"downtown Hillsboro just isn't vibrant"

MAX repels development, businesses and jobs every where in the region.

It is a pathetic fraud for Metro to be telling the good people on McLoughlin that MAX will revive their community.

"Portland Creep" as used by Clackamas Co. has a lot of meaning for Washington Co. and Beaverton and Hillsboro. Besides The Don, Hillsboro has John Southgate. They both crept out from Portland's PDC.

When I do work in Lake Oswego, West Linn, Oregon City, St. Helens, Bend, at the Oregon coast, just about anywhere; and the work needing done gets excessively tied up, bureaucratically complex, I usually find the answer: "Oh, Hi, how you doing, you use to work at CoP, or PDC didn't you?".

These Portland disciples are another example of "creep".

"Portland Creep"

The tentacles are unfortunately wanting to be far reaching
and creeping to greener pastures.
What better than to send a wave of folks "already experienced" for a head start on plans. The Clackistani Rebels were paying attention.

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