
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on May 26, 2012 10:59 AM. The previous post in this blog was It's Miles Davis Day. The next post in this blog is Maher nails it. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Saturday, May 26, 2012

Another cyclist goes down

This morning, a young woman on a bike was hit by a car and carted off from the intersection of Broadway and Glisan in Old Town Portland. It's the same intersection at which a Tri-Met bus killed two pedestrians a couple of years ago. It seems the carnage there is multi-modal. We sincerely wish the cyclist a speedy and complete recovery.

Urban cycling is inherently dangerous.

Comments (4)

One and two wheel cycling is inherently dangerous.

She was conscious and breathing so she has those things going for her.

A huge part of the blame for the increasing danger is the imbecilic traffic design and changes the city is continually coming up with, probably not so much because they've been proven to work somewhere, but because somebody wants to see if it'll work so they can then market the idea.

Here's a thought, no more bike lanes or green boxes in traditionally dangerous areas where bikes and cars routinely mingle. Instead, merge bikes into the car lane where appropriate. The Madison speedway up onto the Hawthorne would be perfect for this.

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