This could get ugly

This week's Elite 8 round in the Willy Week Mayoral Madness tournament is showing some dark signs, even before the voting has begun. We've been getting multiple visits on our website over the last 24 hours from the offices of our latest opponent, divorce lawyer Jody Stahancyk. Our referral logs (courtesy of the most excellent dudes at Clicky) inform us that we got 21 visits yesterday from links on "" They were stalking us from that site from 10 in the morning to 7 in the evening.
But if you try to go to that web address, they won't let you in. It's a super-secret page that only Stahancyk's inner circle has access to. Who knows what they're saying about us over there?
And several times yesterday, we received sock puppet comments on this blog from one "Unsuspicious name," and then from a "Duke Remington." Both were posting pro-Stahancyk propaganda from the Stahancyk offices. Can you imagine? You have to wonder which client they're billing their time to.
As the week progresses, there's no telling what the opposition camp might do. We're keeping an eye out for flying monkeys.
Comments (28)
Everybody in town who treads into the legal profession knows Jody and her tactics. Churn a fee, ruin a family, make sure every participant leaves hating each other, and bank the proceeds.
Vote for Jack.
Posted by nancy | April 4, 2012 7:58 AM
Posted by Texas Triffid Ranch | April 4, 2012 8:11 AM
In the interests of transparency, refreshing candidness, open and neo honest elections, willfull pandering and grovelling for votes, Vote Bogdanski!
Heh heh. Nice job.
Posted by Skeezicks | April 4, 2012 8:14 AM
You're being paranoid, Jack. I think the pressure of the fake campaign is getting to you. We all know Stahancyk is a very, VERY common name. That domain could belong to anyone, and this is most likely a coincidence. There's literally no way to find out for sure!
We can't go through life wondering "did I forget to turn the stove off at home?" Or "what is all this click-through traffic from a mysterious web page?"
Besides. The voters in this mock election care about the real-fake issues!
Posted by Slightly Less Suspicious Name | April 4, 2012 8:53 AM
Why do I think this whole thing's going to end up in court?
Posted by Bill McDonald | April 4, 2012 9:06 AM
Join the game with Jody and give us some levity before the November surprises. "No rules" virtual campaigning can only make the run up more fun and solidify your base. Could you two set up multiple universes so we can watch different scenarios?
Posted by dhughes609 | April 4, 2012 9:28 AM
Jack, I wouldn't worry about flying monkeys. You can always retaliate by sending over Sigourney Weaver and a forklift.
Posted by Texas Triffid Ranch | April 4, 2012 9:35 AM
A better matchup earlier in the contest would have been Jody v. Packy. One is a giant loud obnoxious multi-ton beast that purposefully destroys people by stomping on them, and the other is an elephant
Posted by Stay at work mom | April 4, 2012 10:27 AM
Jack, I think you're being paranoid for all the wrong reasons! I would guess her office monitors the Intertubes for any mention of Hawaii, so that they can follow up for potential divorces, and make a bundle of money. A fake election - just a piffle!
Posted by umpire | April 4, 2012 10:42 AM
I don't wonder who they're billing the time to (no-one); I wonder why they care so much. They should wonder why they care so much.
She needs to invite Gordon Howard out for a drink.
Posted by sally | April 4, 2012 11:21 AM
It's probably going to come down to whomever has the bigger subpoena.
Posted by Mojo | April 4, 2012 11:22 AM
She cares so much because she wrongly thinks she can rehab 30 years of a bad reputation as a nasty, mean, unreasonable destroyer of families and their finances with a fake mayoral race run by a paper she advertises in. She has the same high hopes for her Child Centered Solutions joke of an organization. Stahancyk advocating for the welfare of kids in divorce is akin to Paula Deen advocating for a low fat diet while shoving butter down the throats of her fans.
Posted by Stay at work mom | April 4, 2012 11:30 AM
That domain could belong to anyone...
That is true, and it belongs to the law firm of Stahancyk, Kent and Hook.
Posted by reader | April 4, 2012 12:16 PM
Stay at work mom, I've known Jody for 30+ years (although haven't seen her for a while).. I've always known her to be a very generous person, a damn good attorney and very much an advocate for the welfare of children. That's why she is so successful and probably despised by those who have been on the other side of a courtroom battle with her.
I would think her skills are just what this city could benefit from. She's a rare combination of tough and fair minded to those who know her and I would think those skills would translate into city hall very well.
I'm not voting in this Mayoral Madness tournament, but I thought it important to counter the attacks against her. PS - I'm typing this from my residence. And Jack, if I knew you personally and someone was attacking your personna, I'd do the same for you. Good luck to all the candidates.
Posted by Robert | April 4, 2012 12:29 PM
It's attorney against attorney, and while I didn't like the way Jack treated my Republican spirit animal Packy I'll be voting my conscience against the divorce lawyer more times than a street-corner Acorn contact.
Posted by Mark Ellis | April 4, 2012 12:31 PM
Robert, thank you for your position as a Stahancyk apologist (SA). It is typical for the SA's to ALWAYS claim Jody is despised because she is such a fabulous lawyer. Nothing could be further from the truth. She advocates bringing the levels of antagonism as high as they can go, thus creating litigation and $$ for her pockets. And she doesn't go to court that often, by the way.
The only other lawyer so widely despised around this town was Alan Knappenberger, before they finally took his license away. There are other well-known attorneys who kick ass in court and who are known as tenacious and well-prepared opponents by other lawyers. But they aren't hated. They are respected. They are admired. They are taken seriously.
You don't have to be an awful person to be good at your job. There is a reason people find her so distasteful. Put the koolaide down for a while and ask around.
Posted by Stay at Work Mom | April 4, 2012 12:48 PM
The only thing that concerns me is the date of the vote: Easter Saturday. This could depress the turnout, which could mean trouble for Bojack. As Bojack's mythical campaign manager, I strongly advise my candidate to increase the pressure on Jody Stahancyk, even more than that was brought to bear on Portland's most beloved pachyderm.
Vote Bojack. No retreat, no retainer.
Posted by tommyspoon | April 4, 2012 12:51 PM
Stay at Work Mom,
Jody's effective. That's all her clients care about and that's all voters care about. Will the candidate be effective on their issues?
As far as being defined as an SA (Stahancyk apologist), I think it would be better to say, (pause for effect).... let's just say, I use to sharpen her pencil(s)... That would better define the relationship at that time.
May the best candidate win!
Posted by Robert | April 4, 2012 2:21 PM
In my first reading I missed the sarcasm in the comment I responded to. My bad...
Posted by reader | April 4, 2012 2:44 PM
Actually, once Jody's clients are finished with their divorce, most of them will have to interact with their former spouse for many years regarding issues with the children, etc. The fact that she throws napalm at a tender time on relationships that need some level of preservation means she isn't effective so much as she is destructive. You have no idea what you are talking about, despite your position as her former pencil sharpener.
You know, Hitler was really nice to his dogs. Just sayin'.
Posted by Stay at Work Mom | April 4, 2012 3:00 PM
Stay at Work Mom,
To the best of my knowledge, people in desperate and destructive family situations seek Dom/Rel lawyers, not the other way around. They come into the office broken already.
Since you brought it up, I can't tell you how many times I've been told I don't know what I'm talking about. I'm going to have to work on that. But, I can tell you, that experience I gained sharpening pencils gave me some skills that made me a nice living and now I can type at ya in the comfort of my home pretty much any time of the day or night. Guess you could kind of call me a Stay at Home Dude, Stay at Work Mom.
Posted by Robert | April 4, 2012 3:42 PM
Nothing more impressive than someone trying to bolster their position by insinuating they are so wealthy they need not work, while simultaneously putting down someone who works for a living. I assume you sharpened knives for Jody, not pencils. Congrats on your retirement, though I assume you are of an age where retirement is rather expected so I wouldn't go on tooting your horn too loud about that.
Like all SA's, you avoid the issue that she is widely despised by former clients, adversaries, lawyers, business people and basically anyone with a sense of fairness. Do you think it is ethical to threaten to "out" someone as a homosexual to their very conservative and homophobic boss if they don't fork over more money in a divorce settlement? If you do, I can see why you are friends with Stahancyk. Birds of a feather and all that jazz.
Enjoy your sitting at home. Sounds exciting.
Posted by Stay at Work Mom | April 4, 2012 3:54 PM
I can't answer your case specific question because I have no idea what you're talking about.
But, I do know Jodi is amongst the most gay friendly heterosexual I know of. So I think you may be the one who doesn't know what you're talking about on that issue.
I've got to go now. I'm cooking dinner tonight.... got a pork roast in the oven and its time to peel the apples to make homemade apple sauce.
You have a nice day. How nice it was to converse with you. Some day maybe I'll tell you how I learned how to say how nice in place of another well known term.
ta ta
Posted by Robert | April 4, 2012 4:31 PM
Sorry to driven you off. You didn't answer the question except to say she is "gay friendly." If you knew a lawyer threatened to out someone as a homosexual to their very anti-gay boss if they did not give more than they had to in a divorce settlement, do you think that would be unethical? How hard is that question to understand and answer?
Now you have made me jealous not only of your wealth, but of your pot roast dinner too. I feel so inadequate, I just don't have the strength to go on. I will be eating chef boyardee ravioli tonight straight out of the can - I can neither afford a microwave nor understand how to operate one. Clearly you have much to teach me, Richard, besides how to type strangled syntax coupled with a Sarah Palin-esque folksy way of talkin'.
Posted by Stay at Work Mom | April 4, 2012 4:41 PM
Sorry to have driven you off. You didn't answer the question except to say she is "gay friendly." If you knew a lawyer threatened to out someone as a homosexual to their very anti-gay boss if they did not give more than they had to in a divorce settlement, do you think that would be unethical? How hard is that question to understand and answer?
Now you have made me jealous not only of your wealth, but of your pot roast dinner too. I feel so inadequate, I just don't have the strength to go on. I will be eating chef boyardee ravioli tonight straight out of the can - I can neither afford a microwave nor understand how to operate one. Clearly you have much to teach me, Robert, besides how to type strangled syntax coupled with a Sarah Palin-esque folksy way of talkin'.
Posted by Stay at Work Mom | April 4, 2012 5:01 PM
Stay At Work Mom, I'm beginning to think you don't like this Stahancyk woman.
Posted by sally | April 4, 2012 5:44 PM
That's a first. I've been called many names in my life and been told I look like this person or that person (always a nice looking movie star type).. In fact someone recently told me I don't know what I'm talking about... but I've never been compared to Sarah Palin... I tell ya, I don't know how to respond on that one.. nor will I on the circumstance you claim happened...
I thought I'd leave you with a real Sarah Palin quote...
''I'm not politically correct. I am not one to be a word police.''
—Sarah Palin, Fox interview with Chris Wallace Feb. 7 , 2010
Posted by Robert | April 4, 2012 5:54 PM
Thank you for avoiding answering the question that was directly asked of you. That is indeed Palinesque. It also shows that if you accept the fact that it happened, you know it is wrong. You know it is unethical. And that's why you won't go there.
Now we know you are retired, rich, a whiz in the kitchen, enjoying a nice meal tonight, and very good looking, resembling a movie star, no less! Is there no length you will not go to in order to make the rest of us feel inadequate? I hang my poor, ugly head in shame over the pot of gruel the soup kitchen brought me tonight.
Shameless self-promotion and bragging about oneself while deftly side-stepping inconvenient critiques and facts: now where have I seen that behavior before? Hmmmmm.
Posted by Stay at Work Mom | April 4, 2012 6:03 PM