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The folks who oppose the Clackistani rebels' upcoming ballot measure requiring a public vote on light rail sent a couple of people to the county commissioners' meeting last week to read the case against the measure. They show up at about 1:27:45 of this video. Bottom line: The Mystery Train to Milwaukie is "green," it creates jobs, and it's for the children.
Comments (7)
Right. That plan has worked perfectly here in Portland. Right. And the electric power comes from where? Oh, that's right. Someplace magical somewhere in eastern Oregon, out of sight, out of mind. I'm just sure it's wind, right? Oh, and then there's all the jobs for everyone!
Posted by Mr. Grumpy | April 10, 2012 11:31 AM
If it's all about the children and creating jobs, then I want a subsidy for every time I employ neighborhood kids to mow my lawn.
Posted by NW Portlander | April 10, 2012 11:39 AM
How is light rail for the kids?
I haven't seen a single MAX train that is painted in Safety Yellow, with flashing red and yellow lights that carries kids to and from school.
In fact, in Hillsboro MAX is anything but for the kids - separating Eastwood Elementary School from neighborhoods to the south, with kids having to walk a significantly longer, roundabout distance to get to school, and cutting off Bicentennial Park (and its playground) from the northerly neighborhoods. Same with Orenco Elementary School being cut off from neighborhoods to the north.
The light rail supporters want to make you think that light rail unites a neighborhood and freeways/highways divide - but light rail took existing, established residential neighborhoods and divided them with tall, concrete walls and a lot of chainlink fence. Frankly, using the abandoned railway as a bike trail would have been much, much more "green" and neighborhood friendly than the "Berlin Wall" that Hillsboro got instead, complete with electric shock wire.
Posted by Erik H. | April 10, 2012 12:26 PM
The only thing the kids get is Trimet's massive debt!
Posted by jim karlock | April 10, 2012 12:39 PM
What a perfect demonstration of the pathetic situation the Light Rail & planning Mafia has found them themselves to be in out in Clackamas County.
Their entire pitch has become so lame it is easily mocked and used against them.
The appearance of these two, reading their prepared statements,so far out in front of the September election on the 3-401 rail vote measure is both curious and laughable.
As chock full of every conceivable bromide, fantasy and falsehood their testimonies were they provided no deterrent to voting on rail boondoggles at all. Some of it was so stupid they should be embarrassed. The trimming of tress and adding lights requiring a county wide vote is preposterous.
Why would they think the same kinds of ludicrous claims made during the last two measures would be effective with this new measure?
This new one is an even easier vote.
The pro-voter 3-401 measure will pass pass by probably 80% in September because it simply requires voter approval of any rail transit.
So what were they trying to accomplish there last week?
Why would they even waste their time? Who were they talking to?
Was it meant to comfort the board of county commissioners who are ALL opposed to the measure?
Who knows.
Posted by Clackistani Sympathizer | April 10, 2012 12:53 PM
I notice they didn't get carted away by the Deputy in the room, unlike last week when the rebels showed up and Commissioner Jim Bernard (who was in charge because Lehan was campaigning) started the clock early, then had the guy taken away when he wouldn't be quiet about having his three minutes cut short.
Posted by StuckinClackamasCounty | April 10, 2012 5:18 PM
Oh, the lady in your picture is Heather Chrisman, owner of Chrisman Picture Frame and Gallery, and a former Lake Oswego City Councilor.
Posted by TomC | April 10, 2012 10:36 PM