
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on April 3, 2012 8:49 AM. The previous post in this blog was You thought Citizens United was bad. The next post in this blog is Is Sam Adams doped up?. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Tuesday, April 3, 2012

OMG! Brady drives car in TV ad!

Between that and the heavy makeup, she's definitely going against the Portland grain in this one. Even though she shows up for a second or less on the mandatory bicycle:

Comments (11)

Before the Great Bozo that is Jefferson Smith had his people call my editors and complain about me - costing the small business I run a nice chunk of revenue - I was preparing to interview Eileen Brady. The fallout from Jefferson Smith's thin-skinned, ego trip meant I was taken off the Eileen Brady interview as well.

That is a shame because I have yet to read any interview with her like the one I would have done. Instead we haven't progressed from the "Great Debate" about her role in New Seasons.

My interview with Charlie Hales was different too but don't you want someone in the media who's willing to try and get past the bicycles and the talking points?

This is why I now call Jefferson Smith a "Smart Talking Fool". It could have helped him to have someone like me interview Eileen Brady, just as it helped when I asked Charlie Hales if he thought up the ridiculous skateboard ordinance at the Holiday Office Party. What Jefferson Smith did was foolish for his own goals.

Personally, I'm a musician so I shed my frustration by turning it into a song: "Smart Talking Fool" on Youtube - also dedicated to a similar blowhard politician, Newt Gingrich, but it's still a little annoying hearing Jefferson go on and on about helping small business when he hurt mine.

Here's the clincher: After my interview was killed, the editors sent another reporter to do a more standard piece. At one point, Jefferson had the temerity to ask her for a tougher question. Dick Cheney would be proud.

I wish the media in town would set aside the endless debate about New Seasons, and really give us a way to get to know Eileen Brady, along with the other candidates.

Meanwhile I must return to writing about the national scene where my comments are heard on over 100 radio stations, and televised in 75 countries. Carry on, local media.
You're really bringing it.

I knew she was evil.

She doesn't just drive a car; she drives and drives and DRIVES a car. A spoof with literal, and figurative, potholes just about writes itself.

Her make-up is awful and so is her hair.

She's running her own attack ad against herself?

Maybe she sees a broader constituency than just the arrogant bicyclist crowd. Thanks for this enlightening moment.

It's sad that this ad is so devoid of substantive content that folks are left to discuss the possible policy implications of her driving in the ad.

You people have got it all wrong.

She's driving a progressive-approved automobile...a Subaru. She would have scored extra points if she was driving a Prius or any other hybrid. If its like most Subarus in Portland, its got tons of progressively approved bumper stickers on it.

BTW, just yesterday I noticed that the areas I drive through in inner Northeast (Irvington, Alameda, etc) have been bombed by JefferSam Smith signs. Not a Brady or Hales sign to be seen. I know its early, but we better hope that doesn't mean anything.

Beep-Beep m'Beep-Beep, Yeah

Lexus Lib -

same thing over in residential SW. Carpet bombed with Smith signs along Taylors Ferry Road from 35th Drive to 26th; also on 35th Street between Huber and 35th Drive.

I do know that Smith had a "candidate coffee" or two in the Markham neighborhood a couple weeks ago, which is where the TFR signs are located.

You probably made the mistake of asking the question "btw, who is that man behind the curtain?" which would disqualify you from the game and asking any of the other sham wizards any more questions. This time around the game has watchful "sponsors".

Reporters aren't allowed anymore, only appropriate P/R people.

Talk about a "drive-by"....

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