
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on April 4, 2012 8:46 PM. The previous post in this blog was Renegade Portland City Council starting to get message. The next post in this blog is Sticky Wiki. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Eileen Brady is loaded

She's released her tax returns to the O, and there are some huge numbers on them. She and her husband are set for life.

Will Charlie Hales release his returns now? That would be some interesting reading -- especially for the years he claimed he was a Washington resident for tax purposes even though he was voting in Oregon.

With Jeffy Smith, we wonder if he even bothered to file. To him, rules are for the little people.

UPDATE, 11:44 p.m.: The Willy Week crew says they have returns from Hales and Smith as well as Brady. But they haven't posted them -- all they're showing at this hour are summaries, which they said they wrote with the help of an outside accountant.

Comments (12)

Obviously part of the 1%.

No doubt Hales and Smith are as well -- although Smith may have to outlive some relatives to live it up in high style.

Good for Eileen. Her and her husband worked hard and took great risks. They earned every penny. Why is it that so many in Portland feel sorry for those who make less and feel somehow that those that make more did it by taking advantage of someone else? This is America, not a socialist state. You control your own destiny...

Did anybody here say, imply, or suggest that they "did it by taking advantage of someone else"? No.

They're rich -- self-made, and now quite rich. She never has to work again. It's a simple fact, no value judgment expressed or implied.

Dang, should have paid more attention to the grocery industry during my teenage years at Zupan's :) Kidding aside, Brady is the clear choice for me among the "big three", even if it's largely by default due to the lunacy of Smith and Hales being owned at operated by the developers types.

It's good. It means she wouldn't be using the job to audition for a bio-gas-condo-streetcar gig.

One reason this bio-gas thing is so crucial to our leaders is that it's the template they're trying to sell. If a government person goes to a new gig and can't get a sweet deal for the company, it puts all of their markability in doubt.

As a reader pointed out a while back, Rust never sleeps.

As much as I hate rich people buying an office (Sen Smith) I hate much more the poor people who become rich in office (Sen or St. Hatfield, Wyden, Bowtie), even if they get rich off of some dumb widow (Sen Wyden, Kerry, or McCain) rather than us stupid taxpayers.

Maybe I'm just a bitter, jealous, envious type who could do as well as them hardworking, public servants who earned it all by themselves.

Could shoulda been couldn't. Fail! Figures.

Harry must have overlooked Lyndon B.

Just made a quick scroll through and think I noticed they pulled schedule C and the statements detailing schedule E pg.2. Wonder why? The C in particular, a lot of room for aggressive deductions on that form.

I will take someone like her (loaded) anyway over a Mayor who is constantly broke, filed BK on loans and is a certified LIAR. I'm backing Brady. Nice to have someone that has a record of success in office and not a career political hack.

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