
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on April 27, 2012 9:45 AM. The previous post in this blog was It's for the children, not. The next post in this blog is You, too, can live on a freeway off-ramp. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

E-mail, Feeds, 'n' Stuff

Friday, April 27, 2012

A dearth of drivel

The ballots in the "May" primary will be here any day now, but we've got to say that the flow of direct-mail election porn to our place has been surprisingly low so far. We got a Rod Underhill Holy Card the other day, bragging about what a wonderful job Mike Schrunk has done as county district attorney, and let's keep up the good work. We thought of all the people killed by rogue Portland cops, none of whom have ever been prosecuted for homicide, and we thought, "Sure, Rod." Straight to the recycling bin that one went. We're writing in Aaron Campbell.

Yesterday we got the four-page color glossy pitch for the library tax. Old lady and a little girl on the front, two little boys on the back. Of the 14 people pictured, four are adult males. That's an all-time high for the library folks.

Wonder if the people in the photos support the ballot measure they're being used to sell. Last time, a gal in one of their mailers actually voted no, and was horrified that her image was being used to promote a yes vote.

Anyway, the mailman will be here with the ballot soon. Surely he'll have something more interesting. Where's the Mark Wiener piece for Mary Nolan, ripping Nurse Amanda to shreds?

Comments (10)

Maybe you've covered this but why does WillyWeek not even mention Scott Fernandez in the list of "other candidates"???

I got the bonus of 2 different Nolan pieces yesterday. They made the confetti shredder for recycling before I was able to read them.

JC, because he represents a positive change promoting common sense.

I love the Aaron Campbell write-in idea for DA.

May very well be a movement afoot for some to profit by privatizing and taking over ownership of our water here, and they would not want Scott Fernandez interfering with some "insider" grand plans. Fernandez is for the people, to save our water, water rates, and water rights.

I have written frequently about the extreme silence about this very critical issue. Fernandez evidently is not on the "team of those" that the insiders want.

Is there an elected official or "pre-selected" candidate who has declared they will do everything they can to save our water? Just to say they will keep rates lower means very little, what will they actually propose to do, does it mean they will sell us out to privatization?

they will sell us out to privatization

Do we know for sure it hasn't already happened?

Golly, we got a nice big glossy from smilin' Stacey today, showing him resting on a VW with the plate "BIO D" and sporting one of the spiffy "powered by BIODIESEL" stickers and touting his ability to "keep our farmland safe from sprawl", "make our community greener", "prevent destructive overdevelopment", "keeping our neighborhoods health, safe and walkable". Oh, and streetcars, and light rail!

Just what Metro needs!

I received a ridiculous piece from Mary Nolan yesterday. She is standing in the midst of 8 onlookers, grimacing rather hideously (probably reacting to having to face the east side of town). Of the eight terrified onlookers, five are children.

She bears a remarkable resemblance to Ruth Gordon.

From Stacey flyer:
When it comes to improving our economy, protecting our environment and strengthening our quality of life, who we elect to Metro matters.

After what I have observed Metro has made things worse. . . quality of life has not been strengthened. Oh,yes, some neighborhoods are protected while others have been ruined by the density plans. It is OK to sell parks out of some neighborhoods, naturally those who get the park perks are happy. Speaking of happy, go to Happy Valley and tell me how your farmland was saved from sprawl!

Nolan' flyer:
Mary Nolan has the overwhelming support of the people and organizations we trust!

Take a look at the list.

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