
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on March 8, 2012 11:20 AM. The previous post in this blog was Oregon Republicans give up the ghost. The next post in this blog is Cogen hops in bed with "urban renewal". Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Thursday, March 8, 2012

Vestas cancels a building in Massachusetts

"Green" plans have turned to brown back east, despite government handouts. Will Portland be next to receive such news?

Comments (8)

There's a word for it.... That which can't keep increasing, won't. It is a law of nature. Works in all areas. Real estate prices. Higher Ed. PERS. And even green sustainability. That word, what is that word?

"In exchange for creating 66 jobs, Marlboro granted a 10-year tax incentive plan to Vestas that was only valid if Vestas actually built the facility, Marlboro Mayor Arthur Vigeant told the Herald in January." A 10-year abatement for a whole 66 jobs, and nobody punched the Vestas CEO in the throat for suggesting that sort of deal.

Portland officials have probably already promised the moon just to keep them around. Funny... "vesta" in Latin is associated with fire or flames.

Onward, to Columbia Biogas!


Dreamers Wanted.

Suckers already here.

Actually, I'm waiting for the announcement that CoP has bought the company.

Too bad, Gerdding-Edlen has already blown thru that $8M PDC gave Vestas to make Gerding-Edlens building better.

"Too bad, Gerdding-Edlen has already blown thru that $8M PDC gave Vestas to make Gerding-Edlens building better."

But that IS the goal - giving tax money to developers who then give a cut back to re-election campaigns.


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