
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on March 2, 2012 10:35 AM. The previous post in this blog was Fallen comrade. The next post in this blog is L.O. steals 180 jobs from Salem. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Friday, March 2, 2012


The Blazers got blown out. But a hard-nosed sports pundit got blown away by something bigger than the game.

Comments (9)

I had to step away from the ol' computer screen a couple times while reading that. Wow.

Stories like this make me mad after they make me sad. It's people like her that show you how precious life is, yet our society thinks nothing of killing life before it's born. It is people like her that show us that despite obstacles that most of us don't/can't imagine, she continues to have an optimistic approach to life versus the occupiers who can only whine and complain. Her family does the absolute best with the terrible hand that has been dealt to them, but sadly, people like them are becoming the minority as more and more keep complaining about (compared to this girl) little issues in their lives. Sadly, all I can do is offer prayers for this girl and her family. My God take her into His arms and hug her, Amen.

With all the rain and snow we've had lately, it seems surprisingly dusty in here.

"Stories like this make me mad after they make me sad. It's people like her that show you how precious life is, yet our society thinks nothing of killing life before it's born."

Comments like this make me mad after they make me sad. It's people like her that show you how important it is to quit obsessing about fetuses and start offering full, universal health care to everyone born, so that her parents don't have to impoverish themselves to fight for their daughter, yet our society thinks nothing of letting a bunch of pedophiles in dresses whine about their all important religious liberty ... To force women to bear unwanted children."

Hmmm, odd George, I don't remember ANYONE saying that contraceptives is or needs to be illegal. I do hear people saying that I want others to pay for my contraceptives. Sorry George, I'm tired of paying for everyone else's everything else. Women have many choices prior to 'bearing an unwanted child' - yes, cases of incest and rape are one thing, but no one seriously believes that a majority of abortions are done on women who are victims of incest or rape.

As for universal healthcare - we need to do something to help, but "universal healthcare" will result in poorer healthcare and/or more expensive healthcare. We need plans to help on catastrophic health problems, but I really don't want to end up on rationed healthcare like they have in Canada or England. The people there (those that can) either switch to private healthcare which they pay for or they come to America to get immediate first class healthcare (that they pay out of pocket for). As we all know, NOTHING is free, not the woman yelling for the country to pay for her contraceptions nor 'universal free healthcare' - nothing is free. And if it, if by some chance you can find something, anything that is absolutely free, it's worth the price paid and nothing more.

One last item, I do value my religious liberty and freedom, that was one of the major reasons that founded this country. Government needs to stay out of religion as much as liberals want religion to stay out of government.

no one seriously believes that a majority of abortions are done on women who are victims of incest or rape

No, the majority of abortions are done on women who are too poor to afford dependable contraception. Making birth control freely available benefits everyone, especially those of us who find abortion morally problematic.

Hmmm semi-cynic, let's talk about that. Condoms via CVS online costs about a dollar per condom. Seems pretty cheap to me, plus it protects against STD's which the pill doesn't. Statistics show women who use condoms have about a 15 to 20 (our of 100) will become pregnant. Those who use the pill about 2 or 3 will become pregnant. And I'm talking about the typical user meaning that way too many don't use either protection the they should, like with condoms they use lubricant other than water, or the condom has been in a wallet or whatever. With the pill, they forget to take it every day; of course with the pill, they have zero protection against STD which could be a death sentence or a lifetime life sentence that they will have to deal with. So at a dollar, I don't really see the financial issue as being a valid argument. Bottom line is if you don't want to become pregnant, there are viable alternatives BUT you have to use the protection the way it's intended to be used. I still don't want to pay for someone elses contraception. Just like if I ever need Viagra, I don't want anyone else to pay for that for me.

Funny you bring up condoms since those require the male participant's assent, which is often problematic.

The bottom line is who gives a flying farc what you want to pay for? Nobody with any data disputes that birth control is far, far cheaper than obstetrics and childbirth complications, so since you bring up money, you lose the argument. You don't like abortion? Don't have one then, and help ensure universal access to contraception for all.

Meanwhile, you and all the other Rushbots are welcome to drink drano to drown your sorrow over the knowledge that people have sex without your permission.

You guys turned this into a tired discussion of morality and birth control?

How unbelievably crass. I expect better.

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