
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on March 1, 2012 2:21 AM. The previous post in this blog was The Don is dealing it up big time. The next post in this blog is Apple has its eye on Fifth and Yamhill. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Thursday, March 1, 2012

OMG! It's actually snowing!

Here at bojack.org StormCenter 9000.2, we just looked out the window, and by golly, it's snowing! And with a temperature of 34.5 degrees, it's just a few degrees above freezing! If the temperature drops and it keeps snowing, the snow could stick, and if it does, there will be snow on the ground. This could make for a treacherous commute, because the snow could make the road slippery. So slippery that your car might not be able to stop, and you could get into a wreck.

It's hard to tell what to do in a dire situation such as this. For now, stay safe by staying indoors and keeping away from all windows. Hydration is important. And don't forget your elderly neighbors! You may want to call them and wake them up to tell them about the snow.

Stay tuned to the StormCenter for complete team coverage.

Comments (7)

Remember: if you start to skid, always aim for the bioswales. That's what they're there for.

My dog was unimpressed. We've seen bigger snows back in DC.

Schools closed. All public servants have a snow day, especially snow plow drivers.

TriMet's whole system will grind to a halt in 3 ... 2 ... 1 ...

Considering TriMet's finances, that could happen even on the sunniest of days.

When you have cable you tend to look away, "out the window." ...
You don't want to get into a wreck.

Get rid of cable.

It's all because of global warming.

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