
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on March 1, 2012 1:49 PM. The previous post in this blog was Lake O. access: See you in court. The next post in this blog is Fallen comrade. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Thursday, March 1, 2012

More little white lies from the Adams people

They always have a story. It's rarely true.

Comments (12)

This current city hall has set an embarrassingly and unbelievably low "standard" for government.

Sooner or later they're going to screw someone who can't be bought.

Who needs yucky old people working for city government, when you can have young, attractive people working for city government?

This is exactly what I'm talking about when I say these politicians live in a different Portland than mine. I was just driving downtown by the hotel I worked at for many years. The familiar vibes were exactly the same. Nothing's changed that much. These petty politicians can do all the moves they want. There is a Portland that they can't touch and I still live in it.

Tom Miller? He's not some slick political assistant for the Mayor. Tom Miller was the bassist for the Swingline Cubs. The man was hilarious and a great musician. That's the Tom Miller I remember from my years here. This Tom Miller in the Oregonian today? He's got nothing on the real guy. Man, the real guy was great. This Tom Miller here is clearly an impostor.

So, go ahead on and build your fake vision. The real Portland will shrug you off like a bad weather report. I read about how these politicians are ruining the Rose City, and I just smile. I'm never going to give them that much credit. Just because they're kidding themselves, doesn't mean I have to play along.

"This current city hall has set an embarrassingly and unbelievably low "standard" for government."

So what? No one is doing anything and Vera v2.0 (Hales) has a decent chance of winning and Randy gets out with full two PERS accounts and we get stuck paying $40M a year more for water than 3 years ago.

No one cares in Portland anymore. I think the only answer is to let it hit a wall and go bankrupt.

Wait a minute isn't that a picture of Gordo?


When youthful good looks trump knowledge and experience, the riches of the city are depleted.

The City of Portland is always paying lip service to inclusiveness, and the rights of workers, and process.

The Adams Administration never cared about workers' rights, or process, or being inclusive.

Now that he's a lame duck, Sam is just trying to rewards his friends with money and promotions while he can still exert some influence.

It wouldn't look any different if you gave an ASB President a million dollar budget and no oversight: dole it out to your friends and criticize your enemies for their petty jealousy.

When youthful good looks trump knowledge and experience, the riches of the city are depleted.

That's all Metro hires for "managers". 25-to-30? You're in!

We had a chance, twice to boot Sam. It didn't work. However, I still havesome optimism left in me, and while not trying to sound like a shill, I like what Scott Fernandez is saying. Maybe just maybe he can pull it off.

This city reminds me greatly of my hometown of Chicago, and that isn't a positive thing. To toss out people based on the desire to create a young cool vibe is flat out wrong. But this bunch prefers style over substance and has since I started paying attention.

I'm not old enough to be considered too old for the Tom Millers and Mayor Creepys of the area, but I do know wrong when I see it.

This story ranks among the slimiest things I've heard of CoP officials/staff doing. Where is the money that's supposed to cover the laid-off assistant's salary actually going?

Tom Miller needs to resign, stat. But given the way the so-called "city that works" actually works, he'll probably get an atta-boy from the SamRand twins and ilk.

Where's the DoJ? This city seems more and more like a major career advancement opportunity for someone if they wanted it.

This city reminds me greatly of my hometown of Chicago

There are similarities, to be sure: Chicago dominates Illinois as Portland dominates Oregon. Both cities are heavily Democrat.

However, in Illinois, people actually go to jail: I think something like four governors and 34 aldermen in the past couple of decades.

This city seems more and more like a major career advancement opportunity for someone if they wanted it.

If they want it, or if they have the experience needed for the job?

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