Batten down the hatches
Here at Blog Central, there is now snow mixed in with the steady, sometimes heavy rain that's been falling for many hours. Snow! The dreaded Portland snow. The stuff that the media people go ga-ga over. The stuff that many Portlanders don't know how to drive in.
And the temperature on the front porch is down to 36.5 degrees Farenheit. At 3:00 yesterday afternoon, it was around 50. Up at 400 feet, at Lewis & Clark College, it's down to 32.4. With the clocks now sprung ahead, sunrise isn't until 7:25 in the morning, and so the commute is going to be a sloppy, slushy mess at best.
It will be interesting to see, in a few hours, which institutions are stalwart and which are wimpy. And the response by local government never fails to amuse.
Comments (6)
Jack, maybe your daphne was telling you something - it's just not time for spring yet. It's icing up on the trees here. Maybe the ice will protect the buds that are starting to form on the dogwood. Or kill them.
Posted by Nolo | March 13, 2012 4:05 AM
It's 34.7 over here.
Posted by Jack Bog | March 13, 2012 4:11 AM
I had to be out driving around this morning near where the snow fell. It was remarkable to see how many cars on McLoughlin had windows (including the windshield and rear window) covered or partially obstructed with snow. I guess seeing out isn't a priority for some drivers.
Posted by Allan L. | March 13, 2012 10:27 AM
At 11:45 AM over here on the cheap side of Mountain Park / Mt. Sylvania, its still snowing; hasn't stopped all morning.
Little side streets like Vesta, Vacuna, SW 55th / 47th etc are covered in snow, about 4 - 6 inches, with some very lonely looking sets of tire tracks on them. The more heavily trafficed arterials (SW 49th / Capitol Hwy. / Pomona / SW 35th) are mostly bare pavement but wet. Traffic on those has removed the snow.
Trees / yards / roofs fully covered.
Mid March. Snow. Portland. Bah.
Posted by Nonny Mouse | March 13, 2012 11:50 AM
Same conditions for us up here in Brightwood, Nonny, with perhaps a bit more accumulation. Still dumping snowing at an alarming rate, unfortunately. Slid into a pole earlier this am and took out my taillight. Bah, is right.
Posted by Ex-bartender | March 13, 2012 12:05 PM
The GPS thingy says I am at about 825 feet over here.
Posted by Nonny Mouse | March 13, 2012 12:11 PM