
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on March 9, 2012 1:49 PM. The previous post in this blog was It can't happen here. The next post in this blog is Have a great weekend. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Friday, March 9, 2012

An anthem for 2012

Tasteless, and definitely not safe for work, but those with an interest in the drama of urban bicycling may find this amusing.

Comments (12)

And the petulant whining about how "this isn't funny AT ALL" and "Jack, why do always have to be so MEAN to cyclists?" starts in three...two...one...

Appropriate lyric: "protect the erection." It wasn't so long ago that physicians laughed off the possibility of saddle damage.

And it may not be long before previously unexpected particulate damage from urban air forced into lungs during heavy breathing associated with cycling begins to register among epidemiological data.


I have to disagree: I didn't find it tasteless at all.

That wasn't funny; that was hilarious. Even in my serious cycling days (or years) I hated both bike a***oles and bike lanes. A good cyclist rides like a vehicle and with traffic. I never wanted either to make an enemy or end up dead. It's a glorious activity for every size, age & gender. I'm sorry the bike a***oles and the know-nothing "planners" have ruined so much of it, including public attitudes, the worst thing that could happen. All bikes and bicyclists really need are the good roads everyone else needs (most cyclists are drivers also) and a little bit of willingness to use them together at minimal inconvenience.

I used to think the worst thing that could happen for cycling was chip-sealed roads -- but apparently I was wrong.

It explains Sam's ear flap hat.

Amen Sally.
When I see a cyclist riding with traffic I am more than willing to yield when they need to cross over and make that left turn.
What is irksome is the cyclist who saunters along weaving in and out of the "bike lane". You have no idea what they are going to do next and they most definitively hold up traffic.

Amen Sally.
When I came to Portland in 1981 I got around a lot on my bicycle just fine. You just have to ride smart and keep vigilante about your immediate surroundings. I still bike some even today in Portland, but bicycle paths don't make me any more inclined to bike than otherwise.

A lot of Portland's arrogant bicycle mentality in the last decade seems to have sprung from government employee bicyclists who bike to and from downtown Portland.

My only issue with the cycling crowd is the complete and total lack of respect for the rules of the road.
1. Splitting traffic. You die.
2. No signaling. You die.
3. Acting as a pedestrian then jumping out into traffic. You die.
4. Traffic signals = optional. You die.
5. Weaving in and out of bike lanes. You might not die, but the motorist trying to not hit you might hit something else (I did this, saved the biker but clipped a pedestrian. The biker blamed me and rode off giving me the 'jerk off' signal. The police blamed the biker and the pedestrian was unhurt. So I was not busted. That was the last time I drove downtown. I'd rather not kill someone.)

I have no problem being behind a bike and going 10-15 mph on a 25 mph street. No problem at all. We need bike lanes on the 45 mph zones. But mostly we just need bikers to obey the freakin' law. My truck cannot stop in the space of 10 feet and if you get in the way you will lose.

But apparently you will not lose politically.

As for the video...muahahahah!!!!

I was not sold on it until the ukulele part. I was in stitches by the 'horn' part. Now I'm humming that sh**.

That was great. "Everyday I ride the Tour de F-You" might get heavy rotation with my friends.

And in Peru today, the seventh annual protest unrolled:

"LIMA, Peru—About 300 nude bicyclists have ridden through the Peruvian capital of Lima to call attention to safety conditions and demand measures protecting cyclists.

Event organizer Octavio Zegarra says the protesters took to their bicycles nude Saturday to show that 'this is our body. With this we go out in the streets. We don't have a car to protect us.'"

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