
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on March 6, 2012 7:48 AM. The previous post in this blog was Clackistani rebels turn in signatures. The next post in this blog is Running the last real industry out of Portland. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Adams sheds a tear for Edlen

The folks in Salem have wisely refused to throw money at the "sustainability center" boondoggle in Portland, and so the mayor must show his real estate masters how disappointed he is. "Partisan, election-year politics trumped progress." Thank heaven for democracy.

Comments (10)

Does this mean the "entitlement phase" will be extended?

I'm amazed that he didn't threaten to stay right there and hold his breath until he turned blue.

"Don't you know who I am? I was on PORTLANDIA! Now vote the way I want, before I have you flogged!"

"Partisan politics" in Oregon means common sense versus the continued feeding off the government trough. We always knew where SamAdumbs held his ground.

We will continue to work with our partners to explore financing alternatives to make the Oregon Sustainability Center a reality."

300 days left.
He will come up with something at our expense.
Heaven help us all.

Financing alternatives?
Another "water" project?

Who are his partners?
The council who will come up with a plan?
The public with their pocketbook?
More grant money?
Another trip to DC for the developers?

We have a nightmare here.
Ours is that we wonder what we will be faced with or can stop in the next 300 days.
Adams is that he has to go full board with delivering to his masters before he leaves.

Oregon Sustainability Center was on the list under the City of Portland State Legislative Agenda for 2012 session.

How many people do you think were down in Salem lobbying for this? I am sure there were plenty of foot soldiers on this. These people will not give up, no matter what the cost. Their brain is turned on to the word sustainability, not the reality of any financial downward spiral in our city. We have those who benefit and the army of blind followers behind them.

"We will continue to work with our partners to explore financing alternatives to make the Oregon Sustainability Center a reality."
Or, in the words of Governor Le Petomane in "Blazing Saddles": We have to protect our phoney baloney jobs here, gentlemen! We must do something about this immediately! Immediately! Immediately! Harrumph! Harrumph! Harrumph!

Wouldn't surprise me if Sam and Randy were furtively crafting an ordinance to eliminate elections altogether.

After all, why have these pesky voters standing in the way of progress. Their petty, partisan squabbling only detracts from the visionary, progressive thinking that permeates City Hall. We have the best possible city government imaginable, why allow uneducated, narrow-minded morons to detract from the important progress being made just because they are enfranchised.

Better to make all future elections non-binding "advisory" polls that take the temperature of public opinion but have no legal standing. Like our "public conversations." That way, Sam and Randy can continue doing what is best for all of us. Meanwhile, the Police Bureau can be put to work rooting out troublemakers who are resistant to behavior change.

Yes...Sam Adams, mayor for life. In fact, why even bother with the title 'mayor.' Let's just call him "The Leader."

Oregon Sustainability Center was on the list under the City of Portland State Legislative Agenda for 2012 session.

It wasn't just on the list. It was #1 on the list. Ahead of trivial things like public safety and roads.

If it's so damn sustainable, why the Hell do they need public money?

Or are we talking, Sustain the Scam?

If it takes taxpayers money, it is not sustainable.

Overseas they talk about NGO (Non Government Organization) charity/service/support organizations.

How about we think of a name that indicates non government supported sustainability?
Like NGS Sustainability? We could also talk about developers as NGS or not NGS, and go on and identify the rest of the welfare organizations that way.

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