
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on February 12, 2012 10:39 AM. The previous post in this blog was How will I know? They'll keep telling me.. The next post in this blog is Portland has new official pet. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Sunday, February 12, 2012

Yes, dear, they are playin' our songs

Dave Rogoway of Stumptown Blogger reports on his Facebook page today that there will be a new nostalgia radio station in Portland starting a week from Friday night:

You have been used to vanilla corporate sounding oldies stations playing the same 200 songs to death. How do you feel about 91,000 tracks? The line up will include Roger W. Morgan, Tiger Tom Murphy, Raider founder Roger Hart, Dave Records Stone, the outstanding Major Logan, the midnight groover Pat Pattee, news giant William R. Hatch, Steve Randall, James Bond from London, special weekend focus shows, classic commercials and the greatest radio imaging and jingles ever put on Ampex reel-to-reel. This station will be the best sounding in the world.

It's supposed to be like KISN in its heyday. Sounds like fun. We hope it's an instant hit, and a survivor.

Comments (11)

Jack, you should have been here then. The KISN DJs were live in the corner window across from what is now Powell's Books. The listening cruisers would swing by on the way to/from Broadway. Coming back to the north on 6th, you saw, "Jesus is the Light of the World", twelve foot neon letters on top of what is now the Roseland Theater.

I believe the Jesus sign was still there when I first hit town in '78.

Hey, I was a Broadway "cruiser" in my '34 Ford three-window, and we came back north on Park! Yeah, the "Jesus" sign stood out, somewhat like the Blue Chip Stamp billboard in Berkeley that read "Jesus Saves--Blue Chip Stamps."

The original KISN was a great radio station. Yes, I worked at KGW in the early 70's, but you couldn't help but be a fan of the great radio taking place on the "window on the world" at NW 10th and Burnside. I've been friends with Dave "Records Stone" Rogoway for more than 40 years. I spent more than a few nights keeping him company in the KISN corner. I have heard a preview of the online KISN and I can say with all honesty, its gonna be great. In fact, with high speed internet and WiFi everywhere, the over the air broadcasters should be a little nervous. The Good Guys are back!

Hey, just happened to catch the beginning of the Grammys and what a nice surprise: a spectacular start by The Boss & The E Street (Extension) Band, and with a touching tribute to Whitney Houston, including a nice little prayer by the host, LL Cool J.

It's actually getting to be really interesting with what's happening to radio. Of particular note is watching what happens when once-big radio personalities figure that it's time for a comeback...and their former fans discover that they had no taste whatsoever when they were seventeen. I'd love to hear a station like this in Dallas, because 200-song playlists are too obscure and esoteric for this town.

That would be a welcome addition to our locsl rsdio line up.

Search though I have, I can't find thee story on Rogoway's blog. Anybody know the call letters and the frequency of the new ly formatteed station?

KZME 107.1
Best music in Portland.

I'll probably listen to the new KISN for awhile, but I'm not 14 years old anymore. We'll have to see if it is still as much fun as I remember.

In the meantime, those of you who cannot wait, you might want to check out some audio from May, 2006 when they did an anniversary show.


The old KISN owned Portland. Remember the sign, seen driving out of PDX: "Welcome home . . . we've been KISN your wife" . . . the Playmate Pink Mustang promotion . . . the singing Christmas Tree . . . the yearly Top 100 countdown . . . trust politics to bring it all down . . .

Skeezicks -

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