
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on February 21, 2012 11:06 PM. The previous post in this blog was Cogen and the gals just don't get it. The next post in this blog is Kissing up to Spandex. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Where atrocious happens

Blown out by the Lakers last night, the Blazers blow out the Spurs tonight. The people who are paying $100 apiece to watch this stuff can't be too pleased. At least the home teams won.

Comments (7)

The last game I saw in person featured Charles Barkley, and one of the Blazer Dancers got married at half-time. She wore those black, squishy pants and looked like something a State Fair Balloon Artist had a bad dream about. Take the $100 and donate it to Scott Fernandez.

Spurs top 2 players sat this one out. I understand the Spurs strategy, but come on NBA, why allow teams to sit players out if this is entertainment? If you bought those tickets a few months ago, after all the lockout nonsense, thinking you were going to see Tim Duncan or Tony Parker, congats, the NBA just hosed you for your loyalty. Even worse if you bought these tickets because your kid's favorite player is Tim Duncan.

How could they ever regulate who the coach decides to play?

Last Sunday I started feeling NFL withdrawal pangs. The NBA is the sports equivalent of methodone. I'm going cold turkey. Some sunny days would help.

I think seeing the Blazers on TV is an excellent deal, but the All-Star break is here at a good time. I really need a break from this team. They're hard-working, ernest, and entertaining but their mental state is fragile, especially on the road.

After they dropped 7 on the Lakers in the first quarter the other night, Nate had a beleaguered look. These guys have to stop looking at the Rose Garden as a therapy support group and start getting in touch with their inner bad-ass. Go Blazers.

"their mental state is fragile, especially on the road."

I don't disagree, but when 60% of the Spurs starters don't play, I'd hope for a blow-out.

I still think we need to findout if Nate is the right person for this team. If he doesn't have the players for a half-court game that he likes instead of a full-court game we're built for (I'll ignore the fact we don't have a PG to save our lives), we've either got the wrong players or coach.

That in both games the refs did NOT tackle the momentum with tons of ticky-tack foul calls, and free throws, more 'evening' the final score, (beating the spread), and more 'exciting' TV, might suggest to some skeptics (me) doubting the pro game is honestly 'competitive', recently, that Blazer refs are under a leery lens of close scrutiny.

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