
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on February 7, 2012 7:44 AM. The previous post in this blog was Catholics against condoms. The next post in this blog is Not just another hat in the ring. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Charter commission considers banning mounted cops, pepper spray

Both of those propositions are nonstarters, but they're talking about them.

Their proposal for a utility ratemaking board makes a lot more sense. All of the proposals will be the subject of a public hearing next Monday evening.

Comments (5)

So the police are supposed to just ask nicely and the rioters will cheerfully and quickly stop and go home?

The world would be a better place if pepper spray (and using animals as crowd control) was never needed.

Much better to beat down the protestors with nightsticks...

Cops know how to use guns, proof is there. Now, no spray, horses, looks like they need larger caliber guns.

The cops do not know the difference between a bean bag shotgun and a shotgun with 00 Buckshot so as options reduce the body count grows.

Keep PDX weird.

How about a charter amendment asking for no police services at all......

How about a charter amendment asking for no police services at all......

Absolutely. Once a day a "General Assembly" will be called at Waterfront Park where some unelected guy who names himself the "Facilitator" will start to ramble and yak about something, and all decisions will be made by voice vote. So basically if you want something to go your way, you'll just raise your voice louder than anyone else and you'll drown out four or five people who are opposed to your opinion.

All security matters will be handled by the General Assembly as well. The GA shall reserve the right to excommunicate any undesirable persons and ban them from the community as the GA sees fit; there is no appeals process.

No guns will be allowed, but any hand-made weapons are welcomed and encouraged. Street signs make for very effective weapons; plus studies show that streets that lack signs tend to have lower speed limits - thus promoting the anti-car lifestyle.

Drug use, drunkenness, rape and sexual assualt are not considered crimes. Nor is theft of public services or trespass.

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