
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on January 30, 2012 7:48 AM. The previous post in this blog was The cops hate your cell phone. The next post in this blog is Homer's not through with Lake O. yet. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Monday, January 30, 2012

Underdog winners

We have mailed out the checks to the charities whose champions scored on their behalf in our recently concluded pro football underdog game:

First prize - $510 - Pete Rozelle - Oregon Food Bank
Second prize (tie) - $135 - John Ch. - Children's Scholarship Fund, Portland
Second prize (tie) - $135 - Michael K. - Blindskills, Inc.
Fourth prize - $75 - Usual Kevin - Street Roots
Fifth prize - $55 - PDXileinOmaha - Human Solutions

We added 1% for the time value of money, and so the total donations came to $920. A nice byproduct of the entertainment we had with the game.

If we get a chance amid the hype of Super Bowl 46, we'll analyze the results of the underdog year, so that our players will be ready to go with their strategies come next August. Thanks to all who played, and especially to our blog benefactor who for the second straight year threw in $250 to sweeten the pot.

Comments (3)

Since I don't follow sports and know nothing about most of 'em, it is nice to see you "guys" (and some women, no doubt) turning your interest and wagering into something positive. More power to you!

Thank you, perspicacious players, for another entertaining distraction from our predatory financial system and especially for your discernment in the allotment of your winnings.

Nice work, players, especially on the donations.

I'm likin' those underdog Giants in the Big Game, too!

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