
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on January 22, 2012 3:32 PM. The previous post in this blog was For the 'dog pickers, it's all up to the Big Daddies now. The next post in this blog is Harbaugh family Super Bowl party will be sedate. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Sunday, January 22, 2012

Underdog game winners

With a classic choking-place-kicker ending, the Baltimore Birds have surrendered a Super Bowl berth to Tom Brady and his man purse. Congratulations are in order, then, for the winners of our underdog game:

First prize - $510 to player's favorite charity - Pete Rozelle
Second prize - $135 to player's favorite charity - John Ch.
Second prize - $135 to player's favorite charity - Michael K.
Fourth prize - $75 to player's favorite charity - Usual Kevin
Fifth prize - $55 to player's favorite charity - PDXileinOmaha

Winners, take a while to think about where you'd like your prize to go, then shoot me an e-mail message with your choice. The recipient must be a nonprofit organization recognized under section 501(c)(3). We'll post the charities, and get the checks out, when we have them all.

Thanks to all our 33 players, who made it a memorable season. We'll do a little analysis of this year's 'dogs over the next week or so, for what it's worth.

Comments (4)

Congratulations to the winners and thanks to Jack for another fun season.

"It was fun while it lasted" (genosgal) on losing by a whisker again? The story of this season for us. Will need some better intelligence next season. Until then, go Niners. Thanks Jack for being the Commish. geno & G's gal

Congrats to all the winners! Fun times!


We were tied for first losers. High-five.


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